I'm now obsessed with them. Sorry Bishop Allen, it had to end at some point.
Also I just returned from vacation. It was awesome and sucked.
I was the victim of a mugging attempt on the subway platform. That was fun. I was totally freaked out. It helped a lot that the construction workers also waiting for the train did nothing to help me. The one good thing that came of it was when I broke down crying at the Jetblue check in counter they held the plane for me and made sure my bags got on the plane too.
It also sucked that my aunt is neurotic and had rules about everything. certain color napkins had to be used. I didn't really obey the rules and it didn't make her happy. Oh well. Also no one was into drinking. Also my ex text messaged me all weekend. Also I got my period. None of that was fun.
What was fun was my 13 yr old cousin thinks I'm fantastic. I knew some day I'd be someone's role model. his mother is a little worried that he chose me to hang out with the whole time.
Seeing all my cousins and their families made me realize that I'm done with the whole single thing. I want a family and a house now with little babies. Also I'm pretty sure I'm over New York and the muggers who live here.
Disclaimer: I may change my mind on all of that tomorrow.
I'm sorry that happened to you. It can be really tough on someone psychologically a long time after the incident, even if nobody was hurt. It is good you can connect with the youth, it means you are young at heart.