Conversation heard at work:
Girl #1: I really like skorts. You know it's for when you want to wear a skirt, but maybe are going to do something sporty.
Girl #2: Yeah, I love skorts too. You really don't see a lot of them around anymore, but they are cute.
Oh where to start. Is it really that hard to commit to either a skirt or shorts? You need to have a combo of the two. Skirt on the front, short in the back. It's like the mullet of clothes. And you really don't see a lot of them in stores for adults. I think there is a reason for this. They are god awful and no one in their right mind has worn them since 1993.
my sister got a kitten... and then one day he was acting weird... she took him to the vet- he had some freaky liver problem, and needed surgery for about $1000. And she felt the same way "man, I don't want to pay a grand on this cat I'm barely attached to" but at the same time she felt too bad to say "well, cat, I don't want to spend my money, so you have to die." I think I'm better off being oblivious to sad animal stories... there are too many and they're too sad.
i will not be silenced.
I can't believe more people don't want to save this kitty. It's adorable. Shut it Sarah Ho!
no more talk of "him". he must be destroyed. in more exciting occurances, i must go bag up and freeze some chicken breasts. this is tha life!