ST. PETERS, Mo. (AP) -- A woman angry that her new puppy had died pushed her way into a dog breeder's home and repeatedly hit her on the head with the dead Chihuahua, authorities said.
Hodown's Journal
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06/08/2006 13:13 #22775
FunnyCategory: funny
06/06/2006 13:14 #22773
This blog kicks my blog's assCategory: blog

I highly recommend you read this blog. It's the perfect mix of funny mixed in with helpful tid bits.
Updating everyday and making it witty takes too much out of me. I'll leave real blogging to the experts.
lilho - 06/06/06 17:35
i dont go for wit, i go for truth. and as far as being witty, fuck that. i gots shit to do, aka, im too lazy to makeit interesting. now give me some cash-money, biatch.
i dont go for wit, i go for truth. and as far as being witty, fuck that. i gots shit to do, aka, im too lazy to makeit interesting. now give me some cash-money, biatch.
05/30/2006 16:10 #22772
Worst MoodCategory: bad mood
Why am I in such a crappy mood this week? I think it's time for a dose of B'lo to cheer me up.
To top it off boys suck.
I also spent a good amount of time going through this:

There was an article about it in the Times today. It's so different living in NYC and dealing with 9/11. It's like you are reminded of it everyday in everything. It's in the news everyday, or at least the debate about how to rebuild lower Manhattan. It's so sad. I remember asking this guy one time what made him cry (because he was Mr. Stoic). He said "September 11th makes me cry".
To top it off boys suck.
I also spent a good amount of time going through this:

There was an article about it in the Times today. It's so different living in NYC and dealing with 9/11. It's like you are reminded of it everyday in everything. It's in the news everyday, or at least the debate about how to rebuild lower Manhattan. It's so sad. I remember asking this guy one time what made him cry (because he was Mr. Stoic). He said "September 11th makes me cry".
07/05/2006 10:50 #22771
Bad ChoicesCategory: bad mood
This weekend I sat and pondered over my bad choices I've made recently. I figure since I'm in the office I'll list them in a bullet pointed manner.
I'm just going to hit the reset button on this week.
On a more upbeat note I have vacations galore coming up! I can't wait to sit on the beach and read and read and read.
- Deciding not to get tickets to Belle and Sebastian on the 4th. Most of the people I like to hang out with (and some that I don't) got tickets to the free show. I was anti free show. I thought it would suck and be crowded. However what I failed to realize is if everyone is at the show no one would be around to hang out.
- I let office make out boy read my blog. Yeah I have no explaination for why I let that happen.
- Taking two hours out of my life to watch "me you and everyone we know". I'll never get those hours back. Now I know why I don't like movies much. I could have been reading a book instead.
- Watching the Project Runway marathon. Do I really need to watch gay type drama on TV. I don't get enough in real life?
I'm just going to hit the reset button on this week.
On a more upbeat note I have vacations galore coming up! I can't wait to sit on the beach and read and read and read.
So when I first read this I was at a doctors office with a bunch of old ladies, on my phone. Ok, ok some of them were only older, but what ever. After reading I commenced to immediatly laugh out loud (not lol, since this was RL) and they lady sitting next to me commented with, "Really?".
I had to read them your post. They were quite amused. Yes..., the Ho sisters are just about 2 of my favorite peopole in the dang world. Sigh...
Keep it up.
hi friend
that is hilarious. I am actually laughing out loud!
Now, she's really gone to the dogs
ewww... creepy