Yeah, for a scientist, I have a strange level of comfort with magic.
Statement made by co worker who is not a scientist.
Hodown's Journal
My Podcast Link
07/03/2006 10:39 #22792
Funniest sentence of the dayCategory: overheard
06/30/2006 16:08 #22791
I'm obsessed with Taylor HicksCategory: american idol
And by obsessed I mean I'm obsessed with how he is now a sex symbol. As I typed that I just threw up in my mouth a little.
Please note the news photo of him followed by a news story about how his grade school crush just got back in contact with him. I bet she did after she swooned over his latest Ford Trucks commercial.

Taylor- Why? Why?
I'm also obsessed with posting. This is my 3rd post today.
Please note the news photo of him followed by a news story about how his grade school crush just got back in contact with him. I bet she did after she swooned over his latest Ford Trucks commercial.

Taylor- Why? Why?
I'm also obsessed with posting. This is my 3rd post today.
06/30/2006 13:11 #22789
Worky work work work work work workCategory: work
Today is annoying.
First off:
Recently it came to my attention that I should in fact be paid over time. And I should be paid retroactive over time. According to HR I would be recieving this monster repayment of my blood sweat and tears in today's paycheck. So when I checked I was shocked to see only payment for 11.6 hours. What I've worked in recent weeks. Apparently my email was not clear and they only went back a few weeks. WTF? I had to go back to my start date in 2004 and detail every hour worked. This meant going over time in 3 different systems (including one which was just my writing my time down on paper). I was really hoping that I'd get that cash today. Now I wait two more weeks. Damn
We closed out office on Monday. At first you're thinking "wait a minute Jessica, that's not annoying". Well wait there is a caveat. Our office is closed except I have to be here- just in case. Awesome. And just in case I get out early:
Hey, Jess. I know you'll be working but you might be able to get out early enough to come by for another bbq at home. Sorry for the last minute notice but Russ and I just decided to do this. So, if you've got no other plans then I hope you can hang with us. I just talked to Randa and I gave her a voucher so maybe you two can hitch a ride together again.
So it's either work or a repeat of this weekend:
I choose work.
On a happier note. Do you watch "Run's House" on MTV? No? Dude you are so missing out. First of all anything old school hiphop rocks. Run is like the godfather of old school hiphop. Or maybe he is just to me. So on last night's show his young son is recording an album. So the mom walks in to see how the kids are doing and busts out with a rhyme on the spot. They threw her in the booth to rock out a verse on the song and oh my god. A mom who can rhyme on que? Sign me up for adoption.
First off:
Recently it came to my attention that I should in fact be paid over time. And I should be paid retroactive over time. According to HR I would be recieving this monster repayment of my blood sweat and tears in today's paycheck. So when I checked I was shocked to see only payment for 11.6 hours. What I've worked in recent weeks. Apparently my email was not clear and they only went back a few weeks. WTF? I had to go back to my start date in 2004 and detail every hour worked. This meant going over time in 3 different systems (including one which was just my writing my time down on paper). I was really hoping that I'd get that cash today. Now I wait two more weeks. Damn
We closed out office on Monday. At first you're thinking "wait a minute Jessica, that's not annoying". Well wait there is a caveat. Our office is closed except I have to be here- just in case. Awesome. And just in case I get out early:
Hey, Jess. I know you'll be working but you might be able to get out early enough to come by for another bbq at home. Sorry for the last minute notice but Russ and I just decided to do this. So, if you've got no other plans then I hope you can hang with us. I just talked to Randa and I gave her a voucher so maybe you two can hitch a ride together again.
So it's either work or a repeat of this weekend:

I choose work.
On a happier note. Do you watch "Run's House" on MTV? No? Dude you are so missing out. First of all anything old school hiphop rocks. Run is like the godfather of old school hiphop. Or maybe he is just to me. So on last night's show his young son is recording an album. So the mom walks in to see how the kids are doing and busts out with a rhyme on the spot. They threw her in the booth to rock out a verse on the song and oh my god. A mom who can rhyme on que? Sign me up for adoption.
06/29/2006 11:17 #22788
Human KindnessCategory: animals
For those of you who know me, I'm not exactly a champion of animal kindness across the globe. I like animals and I don't wish them any harm, and I'm all for animal rights (I was even vegan/vegetarian for a number of years). I just don't get into the whole mush of I heart animals. However recently I've come across a story that warms the heart. I encourage you to read the story of a boy who cared enough to rescue a kitten when everyone else just ignored this animal's suffering. The story can be found on this blog:

Also, its the best friend of my office hook up boy. Not that that fact taints my objectivity or anything. Just go read it and donate whatever you can :)

Also, its the best friend of my office hook up boy. Not that that fact taints my objectivity or anything. Just go read it and donate whatever you can :)
jenks - 06/29/06 17:30
my sister got a kitten... and then one day he was acting weird... she took him to the vet- he had some freaky liver problem, and needed surgery for about $1000. And she felt the same way "man, I don't want to pay a grand on this cat I'm barely attached to" but at the same time she felt too bad to say "well, cat, I don't want to spend my money, so you have to die." I think I'm better off being oblivious to sad animal stories... there are too many and they're too sad.
my sister got a kitten... and then one day he was acting weird... she took him to the vet- he had some freaky liver problem, and needed surgery for about $1000. And she felt the same way "man, I don't want to pay a grand on this cat I'm barely attached to" but at the same time she felt too bad to say "well, cat, I don't want to spend my money, so you have to die." I think I'm better off being oblivious to sad animal stories... there are too many and they're too sad.
lilho - 06/29/06 16:50
i will not be silenced.
i will not be silenced.
hodown - 06/29/06 16:38
I can't believe more people don't want to save this kitty. It's adorable. Shut it Sarah Ho!
I can't believe more people don't want to save this kitty. It's adorable. Shut it Sarah Ho!
lilho - 06/29/06 16:35
no more talk of "him". he must be destroyed. in more exciting occurances, i must go bag up and freeze some chicken breasts. this is tha life!
no more talk of "him". he must be destroyed. in more exciting occurances, i must go bag up and freeze some chicken breasts. this is tha life!
06/21/2006 10:36 #22786
Funny big bear hugCategory: bush
So this picture was taken of Bush yesterday. His spokespeople released this statement:
"The president thought the big bear hug was funny," said Dana M. Perino, a White House spokeswoman. "He appreciates the terrific enthusiasm of our nation's graduates, and he was honored to be the first president to address the Merchant Marine Academy. It was quite a thrill for everyone."
I don't know about you but the look on his face doesn't say to me "This is funny".

"The president thought the big bear hug was funny," said Dana M. Perino, a White House spokeswoman. "He appreciates the terrific enthusiasm of our nation's graduates, and he was honored to be the first president to address the Merchant Marine Academy. It was quite a thrill for everyone."
I don't know about you but the look on his face doesn't say to me "This is funny".

joshua - 06/21/06 22:38
You should have seen the picture of this kid with the Prez that was in the New York Post.
You should have seen the picture of this kid with the Prez that was in the New York Post.
chico - 06/21/06 13:28
LoL...if he was, i'm sure the big bear hug squeezed it right out of the presidential poopchute haha
LoL...if he was, i'm sure the big bear hug squeezed it right out of the presidential poopchute haha
lilho - 06/21/06 13:10
oooooh. it looks more like constipation to me. maybe he is holding in a huge fart?
oooooh. it looks more like constipation to me. maybe he is holding in a huge fart?
One woman's trash is another woman's treasure. What can I say.