Girl #1: I really like skorts. You know it's for when you want to wear a skirt, but maybe are going to do something sporty.
Girl #2: Yeah, I love skorts too. You really don't see a lot of them around anymore, but they are cute.
Oh where to start. Is it really that hard to commit to either a skirt or shorts? You need to have a combo of the two. Skirt on the front, short in the back. It's like the mullet of clothes. And you really don't see a lot of them in stores for adults. I think there is a reason for this. They are god awful and no one in their right mind has worn them since 1993.

you know what they say-
business up front
party in the back!!
is it appropraite tennis wear? i own a tennis one, my bad
p.s. they were my fav childhood clothing item.
What's sexier than a girl in a skort? It shows she's all party in the front, business in the back (that's good, right?). Its probably ideal for superheros who go to a lot of dinner parties...they can look fancy but are ready for action. Anywho I guess its time to give all my skorts to Goodwill, and just when I thought they were getting popular again.....