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06/14/2006 16:24 #22781

This will make you laugh
Category: aol
So I admit I totally ripped this off from someone elses blog, but it is so funny it'll make you laugh. Anyone who has ever had AOL will be able to relate. So here is the set up:

I had an AOL account years ago. I kept it around because many of the suits in my office use AOL. When the boss needs AOL fixed, you'd better have an account to get it running. That's fine with me. It made troubleshooting much easier. Even though my father and mother both had accounts under mine, their computer didn't even have the software installed. No one in my family was using it, and at most I was using it once a month.

Recently, I decided that I could spend $14.95 a month in many better ways, and decided to cancel the AOL account. Knowing the horror stories, I decided to do the deed at work where I could record the whole thing. I knew it was going to be good, but I had no idea it would be the abusive disaster it was.

Click here to check it out.

The highlight for me? Him asking for my father when the account is mine, the name on the account is mine, and the card paying the bill is in my name.

And here is the audio (thanks to

Listen and enjoy...

terry - 06/14/06 22:51
hah! My only telemarketer job was working for AOL. I would call people up like a day after they had cancelled and try to tell them to sign back up, please please please. Offer them some free months, etc... I would even leave messages and ask to talk to the bill-payer. It was pure hell. I've never heard such shit as what people would yell at me. Needless to say that lasted about a month and I couldn't take it anymore. Telemarketers are evil! Especially AOL-keters.
jenks - 06/14/06 21:22
i still have my aol account... Or rather, my screen name on my dad's account. it was my first email account ever. My first screen name was "alex f 17" because all anyone would ask in the chat rooms was "sex/age" all the time. Now I realize how creepy that is. Maybe it's time to let it go... I don't EVER log on.
theecarey - 06/14/06 19:40
yeh, AOHell, Americal On Hold, etc..

This is a familiar story. I wasn't given an attitude but I was provided a time stamp for my account activity. "Although you have unlimited usage, we see that you have used X amount of minutes during this time..".

Just cancel my account.

"We are ready to offer you 3 months free.."

JUst cancel my account.

hahaha. Yeh, its been a few years, but AOL still comes back to taunt me. I find it still tangled within my computer, its threads latched onto other programs, unable to get rid of it.

Thanks for sharing--it gave me a chuckle.
libertad - 06/14/06 18:34
AOL is so evil. They are definitely on my big business shit list.
ladycroft - 06/14/06 17:36
omg it sounds just like the convo i had with aoHell years ago when i wanted to cancel. except i didn't get threatened with "if you want me to cancel your account your gonna sit there and listen to what i have to say". i'd put my fist through the phone.
zobar - 06/14/06 16:46
Wow. I only listened to about half of it and I had to stop because it was making me aggravated. What is wrong with some people.

- Z

06/14/2006 16:01 #22780

What I did this weekend
Category: weekend
So this weekend I didn't just drink. Well actually I did, however on Sunday I actually went and supported a good cause:

Loving Day. Read about it. It's really interesting. And let's face it I can't resist hipster boys and free beer, even if it's only Budweiser.

On another note: Why didn't I find this?:

Me and (e:paul) used to wonder why no one ever offered us free drugs, like in the just say no commericals. One time we actually left a soda out in the mall to see if anyone would drop some roofies in it. As you can imagine it was a huge failure.

Oh and in case you were curious about what happens when two girlies go out and get retarded see the pics below:









mike - 06/14/06 23:37
Am I the only one who is consistently, almost on a daily basis offered free drugs and have to physically fight them away? I am the DARE child

06/13/2006 14:00 #22779

Flight of Young Adults Is Causing Alarm
Category: buffalo sucks
Interesting article from the NYT. What I had seen happen in my own life is actually a phenomon. Young people are fleeing upstate NY in droves. read the article its quite intersting:

One thing that did ring true was:

In the Rochester area, Andrew Allen's older sister, Laura Jeanne Hammond, 26, returned to her hometown after graduating in 2001 from the University of Missouri with a journalism degree. She was hired as managing editor of Next Step Magazine, which is distributed in school guidance offices, and also founded a social group, Rochester-Area 20-Somethings. "My friends escaped to New York City for a life of poverty and I bought a house and started a family," she said.

Personally I prefer the poverty to suburbia and kids. I mean sometimes the poverty gets to you, but mostly everyone is poor so it's ok.

On another note, as I was washing the glass to drink my bottle of cheap wine I sliced the area between my thumb and pointer open. I think I could have used a stich or two seeing as how it hasn't stoped bleeding. So now I have sad feelings and a sad thumb. It seems fitting.
chico - 06/15/06 15:10
Buffalo Rising doing damage control on the NYT "bright flight" debacle ((e:hodown,250) and (e:chico,6) ): :::link:::

Note for jobseekers: Old Home Week job fair, see discussion after the article
libertad - 06/14/06 00:33
that article kinda makes me want to stay. what to do? should i stay or should i go?

06/12/2006 15:42 #22778

Boys who suck, and not in the good way
Category: boys
Oh my god. So recently I've been having this crush on this boy who I thought to be ultra adorable and fantastic. Turns out he is just a jerky slutty mcslut. He has umteen girls all over the globe. And by all over the globe I really do mean, France, Germany, London, NYC. Fucking A. The problem is I actually had some warm fuzzy feeling type things about what was happening. Turns out he is just another boy who is going to make me cry while I drink a entire bottle of Three Buck Chuck. Great.
jenks - 06/12/06 19:56
hehe, i thought it was two buck chuck. easier said than done, but i say heed the words of my silly ex "boys are animals. not worth the tears." I just found out that this guy that is totally all over me and i thought was all crazy about me (but i'm not sure i like)- is totally dating like two other people.
southernyankee - 06/12/06 17:26
hmmmm... Sounds like a familiar character.

06/09/2006 13:03 #22776

Thomas Jefferson
Category: mullets
According to the Book American Sphinx The Character of Thomas Jefferson Thomas Jefferson had the first documented mullet. The book goes on to describe his hair during his stay in France during August of 1784 as:

His hair was now more sandy than red, but just as thick and full as ever, cut so that it covered his ears, then tied back so as to fall just below his collar

I don't know about you guys but if that description doesn't say business in the front and party in the back, then i don't know what does.

Rock on Thomas J.

I also discovered last night that there is such a thing as too much beef. Anyone who has been to Brazilian BBQ knows this.
libertad - 06/11/06 21:16
Jess, this is actually Mike writing. And I love you! And i love your knowledge of mullets more than life itself. You always fascinate me with this stuff!!! Sidenote: why do brangelina own Namibia, the African country they had their baby in. They had the whole like army watching the palce they had the baby as if it had nothing better to do!