Red's growth was tightly controlled every step of the way; elements had little opportunity to leave an imprint on it.To simplify packing, the tomato is plucked from the vine before it's ripe, at a stage called "mature green"-fully grown but with the texture closer to an apple-and emptied into a vast "gondola" for washing and sorting.
From there, the tomato heads by truck to a packing plant, where it receives a disinfecting chlorinated bath, a cooldown (a mature green tomato can chill for two weeks at 58 degrees Fahrenheit without any noticeable consequences), and a stay in the ripening room, a chamber filled with ethylene, which turns tomatoes the desired sunset shade.
Finally, Red is sorted for size, eyeballed for imperfections, slicked with food-grade vegetable wax (making it glossy and impervious to the bumpy ride ahead), and piled into a 25-pound ventilated carton. After a two-day, 1,250-mile journey, it arrives at a New York supermarket, where it can sit for a week without any change in texture or taste, such as it is.
I knew there was a reason I didn't like tomato's from the store!

Secondly: Do men really need the most space ever for their penis's while sitting down? Today on the train this dude was taking up so much space you'd think he had a case of elephantiasis. Which I'm sure he didn't. That bothers me. Only take up the space you need on the train.
Thirdly: I keep having these dreams that I'm dating Jay-Z. In my dream it's a really good relationship. Maybe he should dump Beyonce?
This is the worst post ever, I just had to get that off my chest.
i cant stand beyonce. anyone else?
You are way more bootylicious than Beyonce. I tihnk it is time JayZ came your way! See ya soon!
Hey, sometimes you just need to reboot the mental ram. Posts like this prove the goodness of randomness
First of all Imk2 you want to look like and you want to do her, So (big smile as I laugh) so do you want to do your self, I'm kidding. But yeah I would love to do her to, she look um is yummy the right word. Oh and penis comment is no use guys don't need all that space we just think we do, sorry guys it is kinda true. There is this thing that young guys have to sit max'd and relaxed taking up as much space as possible with legs spread wider then our shoulders.
In terms of Tomateos buy Cherry Tomateos they naturaly grow red. But they might still do the same thing of picking them green not sure though. Or better yet just buy some tomatoe hanging baskets if you have a window that gets the right amount of sunlight.
maybe this means that you'd like to be beyonce. god, i sure would loooove to look like her. she has THE most slammin body of any celebrity. i'd actually would like to do her too, but i bet i'm not the only one.