I'll post a little something for the fans out there. Or just the 5 people who actually read my blog. So:
1. There's nothing like Fashion Week to make you feel like the: fattest, shortest, ugliest, most unfashionable person in the city. Really it's awesome. I went down to Bryant Park the other day to stalk whatever celebs I could see. No luck in seeing anyone famous. I did however see models and lots of expensive looking stuff. Yea for fashion.
2. I finally sucked it up and got a new phone because of the whole Cingular debacle. I hate it. I loved my old phone. The guy looked at it and laughed. He didn't think they made phones like that anymore. The new phone is way to small to actually be of any use. I make fun of the Gordon Gekko brick cell phone, but really I mock it because I love it. I wish I had one.
3. Apple came out with the new ipods. I love them and will be buying one. They are so small now. All I can think of is the SNL skit they did with the ever shrinking ipod. Except now its actually happening.
4. I actually purchased a ticket to Buffalo for Sept 29-Oct 1. Be ready to party like a rockstar!! I fully expect everyone to be at PMT's house warming party so I can either mock you or be friends with you. Either one. (please realize that was 75% sarcasm and 25% actual)
5. It's 3:48pm and I can't wait to get the heck out of work.
6. On a more somber note. I'm so glad 9/11 has come and gone again for another year. My mom called me about 5 times that day to check on me. On one hand, it was nice. On the other I didn't really want to discuss it 5 times. It's days like that when you realize that no matter what nyc is an amazing city. for one day fewer people were jerks. it was almost like everyone in the city was giving each other a big hug. then the next day back to everyone giving each other the finger. i like both equally.
And finally:
7. To give
(e:chico) &
(e:chicoschica) their proper due:
They were the first to post about Kickball. I was referring to Dodgeball. Two very different sports as I point out to
(e:chico). One you kick the ball at people's head's and the other you thow the ball at people's head's. Both played by hipsters in knee socks, but at their core very different. Mea Culpa!!
i miss that day. best day ever.
You and Carolyn look drunk.....haha, I too was loaded on thanksgiving.
Yeah, being dumped generally bruises the ego more than anything else. I get dumped all the time, I have learned to actually enjoy it.