08/31/2006 11:14 #22816
Recent PurchaseCategory: 90's
I just bought this:
This was either incredibly dumb to spend $12.95 plus s/h. Or it was the best purchase I've made in a mighty long time. I'm leaning towards option #2.
08/25/2006 09:48 #22815
YesterdayLast night after a delightful dinner and drink I decided to take the train downtown and the take the PATH train from there. Very similar to what I had done the night before.
However last night as I approached the WTC PATH train I looked up and felt like the wind had been knocked out of me. The new memorial and pictures had been put up for the September 11th 5 year anniversary. Directly in front of me were pictures of twisted steel beams, mangled subway turnstyles and the faces of those there that day.
I could tell many of the people were just returning to NJ from a night similar to mine. You could hear the silence in a normally busy and loud train station. One girl on the train started to cry as the train pulled out of the station to the part of the track where you go directly ground zero.
Someone said to me yesterday that Oliver Stone's movie was not made for New Yorkers, but rather everyone else who just saw it as a newstory. I can't help but agree with them. Anyone who lives here feels the effect of it everyday. Even after 5 years.
08/23/2006 10:54 #22814
ok Im back to not crazyCategory: pms
apparently I have been the victim of a well know affliction known as PMS. Well that and I was actually upset about this weeks events.
Also I had a stellar make out/get it on session. That helped a lot too.
Now I'm just tired from lack of sleep.
08/22/2006 17:17 #22813
My moodCategory: bad mood
08/22/2006 12:16 #22812
So now back to meOk there's opera in the park this week. A few people wanted to go. So it was my understanding that we were going to go on Wednesday. Well another girl only wanted to go on Tuesday. So after asking me and me telling her I can't do Tuesday she calls everyone and now guess what- everyone is going Tuesday.
I'm really fucking pissed right now. Just her attitude about everything is annoying me. Last week I got her home safe and sound and never a thank you or anything. Just a comment about how the driver didn't know how to get her home. WTF? I was waiting for the PATH train for an hour, not in some swank car getting driven around in AC.
That's it im going back into hermit mode. No friends. Just me, my books, my ipod and walks.
i just want the money you spent on it.
Me too