12/28/04 02:40 - ID#24111
Live on National TV!!!


Permalink: Live_on_National_TV_.html
Words: 207
Location: Buffalo, NY
12/24/04 03:14 - ID#24110

Permalink: hmmm.html
Words: 7
Location: Buffalo, NY
12/23/04 02:59 - ID#24109
all is full of love
listening to all is full of love and adore
You'll be given love
you'll be taken care of
you'll be given love
you have to trust it
Maybe not from the sources
you have poured yours
Maybe not from the directions
you are staring at
Trust your head around
it's all around you
all is full of love
all around you
All is full of love : you just ain't receiving
All is full of love : your phone is off the hook
All is full of love : your doors are all shut
All is full of love

Permalink: all_is_full_of_love.html
Words: 109
Location: Buffalo, NY
11/08/04 01:05 - ID#24108
It has been a while
These GREs may kill me. I have been trying to study 2 hours a day. That is not going so well. I am taking the test on the 21st. Not looking forward to that one.
The past two saturdays have been fun. We went to playoff games for the DC United

That is all for now. Hopefully I will update more often, but no promises. And I want to apologize if I got that awful staind song in your head because of the title. Later.

Permalink: It_has_been_a_while.html
Words: 331
Location: Buffalo, NY
10/16/04 07:06 - ID#24107
No Red Mixers
Last night we had quite the party at our apartment. It was our friends' MK (she is the mouth missing a face in my user pic) and lauren's birthdays. We let them have it at our place cause it is bigger than their apartments. It was a decent party. Lots of people, most of whom I didn't know, but the ones I did I liked so it was all good. There was a group of six people who noone knew and were just drinking our alcohol. They were being extremely obnoxious and screwing with the stereo ("Stop fucking with my stereo" ). When it was realized that noone knew them, I asked them to leave. If you are going to crash a party, don't be obnoxious about it and at least mingle with people. Whatever. It was a good feeling to kick them out. The real fun started once most of the people left. It was at this point that our friend Kevin decided to vomit all over our carpet, couch and, once we kicked him outside, our patio. Nothing better than trying to get red vomit out of your carpet at 2 in the morning. Siv, Matt, and Sven took care of him while I cleaned up. They pumped him full of water and in the end he was ok by the time he went home. Though I am not encouraging trashing my apartment, there is something very satisfying to me about cleaning up after a party. I especially enjoy picking up cans and cups. I think it is that tangible sense of accomplishment that comes with it. But anyway, crazy party and some crazy stories (oh the joy of always being sober and remembering all the stupid things everyone else did drunk) that I am not going to post because I don't want to piss people off. If you do want to know them, let me know and I will be happy to tell them to individual people I just don't want to gossip to the world.
On to other news. Tonight I'm going over my friend Jess' for tiramitsu and after that we are going to see Lewis Black. That should be an awesome show. Tomorrow I will be waking up early to stand in life for Billy Corgan's book signing. It starts at 2 and we are getting there at 10. I am going with my Smashing Pumpkins friend. He is this guy I know that is a huge Smashing Pumpkins fan (like myself), but don't really hang out with. That is until something Smashing Pumpkins related is going on. We've gone to concerts together and we IM one another with the latest Pumpkins news. It is a very interesting relationship because that is all we do together. He is a cool guy but that is the only time we really hang out or talk at all. It should be good, especially cause I will finally get to meet BC. :) I can't wait. That night we are going to BC's poetry reading at the 9:30 club. I would rather he performed music, but I'll take what I can get. This is all good, but I have some really big papers (30 pager that I have no research for and an annotated bibliography for my senior thesis) coming down the pike as well as my Public Economics Midterm all in 2 weeks. It may kill me. We shall see. I will enjoy the slacking while I can. Take care.

Permalink: No_Red_Mixers.html
Words: 577
Location: Buffalo, NY
10/15/04 02:48 - ID#24106
Busy Weekend

Permalink: Busy_Weekend.html
Words: 190
Location: Buffalo, NY
10/07/04 10:48 - ID#24105
Real World Crack
I love the Real World/Road Rules and all their variations marathons. I have to watch them whenever they are on even if I have seen the episodes already. You can't walk away cause you need to know what happens in the next episode. It is bad because I cannot watch single episodes ever. I get so frustrated when I don't have that instant gratification. By the way, this season of Real World looks really good. The mini marathon I watched the other day had it all: drama but not too much, scandal, revealin secrets. Good Times. On to other reality TV news, I really need them to release Making the Band 2 the entire 2 seasons on DVD. IT was perhaps the greatest reality tv show ever and I need to own it. That is all for now I got to get to class. Later

Permalink: Real_World_Crack.html
Words: 145
Location: Buffalo, NY
10/07/04 01:12 - ID#24104
Statistics and Lies
I am curious at to where you get the 90% from. Is this an actual statistic? How was it quantified? Just curious.
In the end, the debate about media bias is kind of silly. Are they biased - yes. But they are not biased in the way most people think they are. It is not so much a liberal/conservative thing. It is a matter of the $$. The media is a business. The story that sells papers or advertisements is the one that will be printed. This leads to some with a conservative bias- Fox News and some with a liberal bias- Art Voice. They tailor their viewpoint to their audience to make money not for some conspiratorial reason.
I do agree with (e:Jason) though that the political dialogue in the U.S. has become too much about partisanship and not enough about actually addressing the problems. Rather than have actual discussions about the issues, people just yell their views at one another. That does nothing and is waste of time. Lets talk about the issues not the bs.

Permalink: Statistics_and_Lies.html
Words: 180
Location: Buffalo, NY
10/05/04 11:22 - ID#24103
VP Debates

Permalink: VP_Debates.html
Words: 30
Location: Buffalo, NY
10/04/04 07:36 - ID#24102
New Site and Trigger Happy
My apologies for lying about the new design. New site/New design same diff. The site does look good. Some suggestions if I may. How bout you have a way to see the reviews listed in order of being posted - similar to the "Last 12" box on this site. I say this because I saw that two restaurants had been reviewed but to find those reviews I would have to click through all of the restaurant names at the top. Another thing I noticed is that on the Brownstone Seafood House Page, the word Brownstone is partially covered by the "start date" box.
On to other topics, I would just like to say that "Trigger Happy TV" on Comedy Central is such a funny show. I wish the advertised for it more so I knew when it was on, but everytime I do catch it, it is so funny.
I guess that is it. I really should work on my research paper thesis so I can run it by my advisor tomorrow before having to hand it in on Wednesday. I also have to write a new closing remark for either Bush or Kerry for the debates. Hopefully it won't be a pain. Take care and talk to you later.

Permalink: New_Site_and_Trigger_Happy.html
Words: 212
Location: Buffalo, NY
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