Category: hot sauce
01/17/07 10:24 - ID#37739
I'll Follow The Sun
I flipped on my laptop and was challenged shortly thereafter to remain above the line upon reading a response to one of my posts at (e:strip), just one of many social networking sites where I'm active. I could feel my ego craving to go down below the line with this individual, which I did for a brief period. Once the truck warmed up I headed out for my morning coffee and newspaper ceremony at Wegman's on Sheridan Dr. I was pondering how I might respond to this "criticism", which I found to be destructive, rather than constructive in nature. My mind ran the gamut from an all-out personal attack to something much more appropriate and in harmony with my purpose. Upon returning home I settled on the latter and posted accordingly. Part of the lesson for me is really not giving a fuck what people think about how I choose to live and believe. Another part of the lesson is to convey my beliefs in such a way as to open peoples' hearts and minds for I really believe it to be of infinite value. And like any lesson, whether it be piano, voice or life lessons, it requires practice.
This is cool:

One Love
"One day you'll find that I'll be gone, for tomorrow may rain, but I'll follow the sun..." The Beatles
Do you know what most people wish for, SEAN, when it comes to improving their own life?
More stuff. Especially abundance.
Because they think having more stuff will contribute to their overall happiness.
But do you know what most people wish for when it comes to the lives of the ones they most love and cherish?
Happiness, peace, creative work, fulfilling relationships.
Because they understand that once these things are in order, stuff, especially abundance, will automatically take care of itself.
One of these two things doesn't belong with the other...
The Universe
January 17, 2007
Blessings Called to Mind
Libra Daily Horoscope
An introspective slant to your thoughts and feelings can inspire you to seek a comfortable, quiet, and private place in which to be alone with your reflections today. As you settle in to your meditations, you will likely find that the mainstay of your musings revolves around home, family, and other delicate concerns. You may find that this one-dimensional focus offers you a splendid opportunity to search for insights into the soul of your personal life. Try to remember that your thoughts are neither right nor wrong, no matter what their composition. If you simply let your introspective journey unfold naturally, you may discover that aspects of your relationships and circumstances that were once hidden are now revealing themselves to you in great detail.
The more we muse upon all of the breathtaking blessings we have been given in this life, the greater our appreciation for the bounty we enjoy in our everyday existence becomes. The deep sense of gratitude we feel when contemplating our material resources and emotional connections grows stronger when we bring these gifts to mind because they are thus ever-present in our thoughts. As a result, we are less apt to take the most precious aspects of our lives for granted. We become thoughtful where our spiritual and worldly abundance is concerned, and always ready to articulate our thankfulness and acknowledge the good fortune we enjoy. The richness of your life will become evident to you today as you reflect upon the blessings you have received.
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Got some work to do, but I'll be back later to continue the discussion.
I have been blessed to have worked with a local wisdom teacher on the Tuscarora Reservation for nearly 6 years now in both group and private sessions. I became conscious of thoughts (belief systems) that I would have never come to realize on my own, although I do take some credit for having attracted this individual into my life. I have paid cash and worked in barter in exchange for this priceless life-changing service. One of the dogmas that holds us back in life is that things like spiritual information/ services should be free. Nothing is free for there has to be a balance according to Universal law, otherwise it is stealing, or simply taken for granted (in one ear and out the other). I have also been blessed to have attracted another amazing teacher in Bijan (notice I do not use the term "guru" for to me that is for someone seeking followers or devotees, neither of which Tahwehdahqui or Bijan are after). For the record, all the money Bijan collects from his books, seminars and website is donated to various foundations of a humanitarian purpose. Tahwehdahqui uses his fees toward growing the learning center known as Eh-Khweh-Heh-Weh, which means "all the people." I consider myself a humanitarian and have in mind co-creating something of a Human Potential Institute one day. I'm taking donations:) LOL
One thing you should know about our particular online community is that we are all very opinionated, and aren't afraid to bounce ideas (or barbs for that matter) off each other. I don't ever feel like it is personal or is meant to hurt someone, so I don't think you should take the criticism as a personal jab.
Especially, ESPECIALLY when it comes to things like philosophy, religion, politics, things of that nature you are going to get varying responses, some of which you aren't going to like. Short of disabling comments (what fun is that?) there isn't much you can do. The only choice is to reach out and communicate.
I believe a wide majority of folks look at the "gurus" out there as snake oil salesmen. I think the Buddhists have it right - information that is so vital and important and worth sharing should be always given away for free. It's not my choice to make, but I don't believe someone should forge a money making "Career" out of helping people in this way. That's just my taste. I'll listen to almost any of them but I don't believe in paying them for whatever knowledge or insight they can impart on me.