Category: politics
01/16/08 11:10 - 25ºF - ID#42910
Clinton beats 'none of the above' barely
But mostly, this primary was Hillary vs 'Not Hillary'. And that actually made the results pretty interesting. Hillary won by 15%, meaning about 40% of people would rather vote for 'Nobody' than vote for Hillary.
According to this election and the exit polls Hillary's supporters are people who are over 45, uneducated, poor, white, and female. The biggest difference was among blacks 70% voted for anybody but Hillary, the next biggest difference was among people under 30.
You can read a brief analysis here

and see the exit polls here

If Hillary is the nominee, I am worried that we might end up with another Republican in the whitehouse. She will inspire the Republicans to come out and vote against her, and the Democrats won't bother voting at all.
The Democrats fail because they don't get people up off the couch. People don't vote because they don't see anyone worth supporting. They don't trust either of the 2 politicians in the presidential race. They don't think anything will change. Democrats and Republicans are part of the same corrupt system, and their campaign promises are a bunch of crap. So why bother to vote.
Democrats are supposed to be the party of the people, and the republicans are supposed to be the party of the wealthy. But the people don't vote, cause the democrats sound like republicans. And the republicans do vote, because they are protecting their assets. Meanwhile the candidates are just rephrasing the same BS and trying to be a better salesman to those ambiguous people who haven't made up their mind yet.
If a candidate stood up for the middle class, and spoke honestly, there would be no contest. We need someone honest and confident who can stand up for single-payer healthcare. And when someone shouts 'socialized medicine', tell them to take their HMO and shove it, because there's no such thing, and they are trying to scare you with bogymen.
Democrats usually try to steal voters from the republicans, by acting like republicans. The presidential race is usually a competition for the middle. Instead Democrats should inspire people to get off the couch, go to the voting booth, and demand to have their voices heard.
Clinton is not that candidate. If she gets the nomination, November will be too close to call, most Americans will stay home, and I will be voting for a third party again.
I'd like to see an Obama Edwards ticket, with Kucinich, Biden, and Dodd, as secretary of something in the cabinet.
I am excited by Obama. he gets young people to vote, and he gets record numbers of people out to the polls, and because he has that popular support he doesen't need to sell out to make money for his campaign as much as other people.
I'm a registered Democrat this year, and I will be voting in the primary on February 5th. This is my way of pretending we have a runoff election. Depending on the nomination, I might go back to being Green real quick.

Permalink: Clinton_beats_none_of_the_above_barely.html
Words: 585
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: politics
01/11/08 10:34 - 46ºF - ID#42837
Debt, Loans, Feudalism & Corruption
I pay $200 per month, I've paid about $6,000 so far, and I've only paid off $2,500 of my principal balance, which was only $27,000 to begin with, because I was part of the most generous government program I've seen for poor people like myself, EOP.
So let me get this straight, I'm paying double?!?! These assholes Own me.
There was no question in my mind about going to college, and living in Buffalo I'm glad I did. A lot of my friends have a high school diploma or less, and it is a real pain in the ass for them to find a job. My one friend went back to Boces for a trade, he's still only making $10 per hour, and he's driving all over the county in his own truck.
If you're in the lower middle class in this country, they basically grab onto your nuts and squeeze. Your part of the Worker class, and they Own you. Same for women, they're squeezing your nuts too.
Let's compare my situation to my fiance, who was born a little above my class. her parents could afford to pay her college in full, no loans. She went to a SUNY school with me, not too expensive, if you call $50,000 a bargain. But still, no loans, that means she can keep her money. I had to sell my body to start making more than $10 per hour.
Here's the kicker, She puts $200 into her retirement account each month. I take that same $200, and flush it down to toilet. Or to be more specific, I give it to my masters at the student loan company.
Meanwhile, you know what the government is trying to do with my retirement account? You know Social Security? They want to give it away to the same blood-sucking companies that are already squeezing my nuts. They're trying to convince me that Social security is going to run out, and all that money I already paid into the system since I started working at 15, belongs to them, not me.
Ironic, they call this the "Ownership Society" all I own is hand-me-down furniture and a bunch of electronics. but THEY own ME.
Here's a pleasant thought, I don't have health insurance either. I had Healthy NY, that super affordable government program which costs $270 per month, and is somehow tied to the SCHIP federal program which the Republicans refused to expand a couple months back. Yea, I had that for about 4 months, and I still had to pay $40 for a doctor to look in my ear and tell me to take claritin D. that probably would have cost about $80 without my budget ass Healthy NY.
No health insurance. That means I'm one broken arm away from being better off in jail. Isn't that a peachy little thought. Maybe that's why we have more violent crime than any other nation in the world, besides some of those that are in a state of civil war. People are so fucked, that jail doesen't seem much worse than 'freedom'.
Yes, America, this is what we have become. We have betrayed our country. FDR is rolling over in his grave.
You know... I didn't learn much in my social studies classes growing up. But there's one thing that sunk in, they told me this is a land of opportunity. You can't control what class you're born into, but if you're smart, and you work hard, you can have a good life, and maybe even become the president.
They also told me I'd be better off if I went to college. They didn't mention the fact that I'd be paying double, because I was born in the lower middle class.
What happened? When did we become a nation of Masters and Workers? This doesn't look like the America they told me about.
But this isn't about my story. This is the story of America. I don't even have credit card debt, and I have 4 times more savings than my mother. How many Americans have $2,000 in the bank, and are making minimum payments on over $10,000 worth of credit card debt?
You know that the top 1% of Americans own 40% of the wealth? and the bottom 80% of people own a pitiful 8%.

We have been fooled.
How long will it take for us to realize that they lied to us about opportunity, they lied about freedom, lied about equality, lied about fairness, lied about justice, and they lied about America being a society of upward mobility, withouth classes. They lied about the American Dream. They made us thankfull to live in the most just, fair and democratic society on earth. And it is all bullshit.
I'll tell you how we can get our country back. I hate leaving people pissed off, without a solution. That ultra rich 1% is buying more than just resort homes, helicopters and private islands.
They have bought our government. Our representatives care more about money, than they do about the public. Because it takes so much money to get elected, donations are more important than votes. Elections must be free and fair. When I say free, I mean no cash.
I don't care how we do it, but the bottom line is that money has corrupted our political system. That is the one issue that is more important than everything else. We are divided... global warming, war, security, national debt, health care, these are real issues. Why aren't politicians addressing them, when they talk about them in campaigns all the time? Because if they act, it will change the system, and the system is making some people a lot of money, they don't want change, they don't want uncertainty. Change won't hurt the economy, but it could hurt individuals who are making a lot of money in the current system. That's why we get such minor changes in policy, they're trying to appease us, and obey their masters, our masters.
Here's to having a debate about campaign finance in 2008, instead of flag burning.

Permalink: Debt_Loans_Feudalism_amp_Corruption.html
Words: 1049
Location: Buffalo, NY
There are too many thoughts to go one by one, but suffice it to say I agree with some, disagree with some. One thing I do want to talk about is the poor, which will just have to come in journal form.
As for the inheritance tax - that is not the government's money and never was, pure and simple. The inheritance tax is simply robbing Peter to give to Paul - at least theoretically. Ultimately the government will do whatever it wants with the money, which is why the whole thing is an utter scam. The idea that its a crime to be rich, and therefore when you die you have to give away 40% of your estate to artificially create some sort of social equivalence is silly to me.
Finally, w/respect to the primaries. Romney won in a state he spent time in as a kid when his dad was Governor. I would have been surprised had he not won. At this point, and things may change so I may have to revise this statement - if Hillary wins the nomination the Republicans will keep the White House, and if Obama wins the nomination he'll go through and take it all in November. AFAIC its as simple as that. If Obama were wise enough to pick Joe Biden as a running mate that might tip the scale for me in his favor. I don't like any of the GOP candidates really.
I'm amazed that Republicans can call the inheritance tax the "Death Tax" and get poor blue collar people to rally against it. Like they're about to inherit a 2 million dollar estate, anything less is not taxed at all.
And they swallow their $300 check from Bush's tax cut, while the wealthy pack away millions.
Personally I'm sick of hearing about taxes. "It's not the government's money, it's my money" well if you're making $300 per week, you're probably paying more for health insurance, than you are paying in taxes. And the top 1% in this country are getting more loopholes and tax breaks than you can count.
Republicans are the party of big business, they use wedge issues to get wider support, but their policies are for the wealthy elite. Democrats, have been going along with it, and that's their biggest problem.
If it hurt anyone it was John McCain. Democrats and independents should have forgot about the Dem primary and gone out to vote for their GOP flavor of choice, which should have been McCain. Instead, Romney beat the snot out of McCain in a state McCain handily won in 2000.
Keep tuned for the now three ring circus in the GOP primary.
- Z
And Clinton is not a Republican and she will bring people out to vote for her in droves. Look at Iowa and New Hampshire. Both had record turn out. It is as likely that people will come out in November for her as they have in January.
Edwards wont be Obama or Clinton's VP pick either. Clinton would gain way more with Obama as her VP and Obama needs someone with defence experience. Biden is more likely to get on Obama's ticket than Edwards.
I guess it depends on who you call "wealthy" I suppose.