I feel that the harbinger of spring for Miss Masumi is not, in fact, pussy willows and robin's songs. It is the frightening arrival of the Squash Beetle. My entire childhood after we moved to our house (i grew up in a trailer, yo!), every spring a strange and horrible bug would appear without fail and without warning in my room. Generally I would be sitting on the floor making art or masturbating or something and I would hear the telltale flutter/buzz of it's wings and dread would well up in me as the slow moving, creeper bug would make it's way toward me. Large, plodding and aimless, I don't know why I felt menace from it. I also had this sensation that the bug was a spirit creature and it had some mystical significance. (I was a crystal gypsy type kid even when I was really young, sorry Science) I awaited the arrival with a sort of terror and ecstasy. On one occasion, we were driving in our creepy raper van and my sister was sitting way in the back and the windows were open. Suddenly something flew in a max speed and smashed on the back window, splattering onto her cheek. It was one of Visitor Bugs and it was full of EGGSSSSSSS!!! ugh. Another time, when I was older, I had a friend over to the apartment and it was spring and lo! The Visitor arrived again and this time landed upon my friend as she huddled under a blanket. Solomon and I were horrified yet unable to kill or capture it. Finally, in my old age, I figured out that it's a squash beetle and it probably doesn't even have a mouth and is really dumb. But I still find it creepy.
My co-workers groom me every day because I can barely brush my hair or put on pants in the morning. The other day, one of them made my hair look like some kind of sea mollusk.
Took a walk with my friend to Cobb's Hill, which is a very charming spot with a view of Rochester and a lovely resevoir. The sun was setting and it made everything glow magically.
Saturday night Liz and I went to see Norm Talley at 45 Euclid. My friend Jim opened for him and he did a really great job. It was definitely a show for househeads, so it was like a family reunion and basically all friends dancing around with each other, which i LOVE and everyone was grinning from ear to ear and hugging each other and it wasn't just from the drugs, either. Buffalo people came down for it too! Norm was great and it was packed and sweaty, the way I like it. Until my friend Alicia started tripping out and got grabby and rapey with everyone, which I found amusing, but apparently other people did not. Even the security guards were in a good mood and were dancing around because there was nothing to be crabby about. Because when the music is good, you can't be too authoritative and douchey.
Rochester did well with the parks. Love so many of them