I started my February off right by a visit from ((e:paul)) ((e:terry)) and ((e:joe))! They came to support our squirrely friend Tom, who was djing at my other friend's bar. It was gaytastic and there was much dancing, mom jeans, little bebe boys, and drinks. I cannot stop dancing this month and i positively REFUSE to stop. All dancing all day. Im dancing right now. The weather was so warm that weekend that we walked around after brunch and it felt like a fine spring day. Cobb's Hill resevoir is pleasant place to view my neighborhood and enjoy a rare hill in this flat ass town. For hangover recovery we watched all the hours of The Great British Baking Show and i'm sorry for so much TV, but it is SO GOOD. you all must watch it at once!! The boys also were able to catch a rare glimpse of my elusive partner Jarrett, who they didn't believe existed.
As i sit in this afternoon sun, i must also pat myself on the back for taking a couple of hideous maroon tables discarded by a past roommate and painting them fucking GLITTER GOLD. i love. I made some paper cutouts to use as negative stencils and let the pink color come through. Then i glossed that shit with Minwax Polyacrylic and it made the glitter even glittery-er! I love that stuff so much, i want to drink it and make my insides shiny. I highly recommend it if you're decoupaging or painting some old furniture and want to gloss it. I am planning to do a Morroccan inspired table painting next. Wintercraft is in full effect here, i also finished a giant infinity scarf and assembled a bench and am now moving on to a giant bookshelf and a rug. What do Buffalonians do when it's freezing and you want to hide in your house?

Why does estrip upload four of pics and then exclude some
No i mean i upload say, ten pics all of different things. When i publish, four repeated pictures of paul show up and manynof the others are never uploaded. Even the code is replicated. I'm on mobile on an iphone
There should be room to upload more than four pictures!
Did you use the mobile version of the website or the desktop site?
Also i loved coming to Rochester and watching British baking porn! Let's do that and climb hills more often.