Sunday i returned home from a party a bit drinky and i plunked onto the futon on my porch for a cooling night breeze. It was then that i felt a lumpy cold item on my leg and flipped the blanket to reveal.... A lovely red plastic toy gun!! What a pleasure! Where did it come from? I had not laid a gun, i asked my neighbors and they had not. My friend chris had laid on the porch the night before, but it had not slipped from his pockets. WHERE DID IT COME FROM?
I fell asleep that night, clicking the little trigger jn my hands happily. ...
The next day i was on the futon again, this time in daylight when i folded back the porch blanket to reveal TWO MORE IDENTICAL RED GUNS. i was in sheer delight!!! The mystery continued until my friend Arden asked me if i got my prize. He had found them at a yard sale and thrown them up two floors to perfectly land on the futon. Thanks arden!!
I mean, i can make you a cocksling too, casey. Great for LinkdIn, weddings, bar mitzvahs, election campaigns, etc.
It's not easy taking appropriate pictures during a naked bike ride and party