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09/08/2015 21:37 #60214

Brushwood Bittersweets
Two weeks ago some of the Rochesters took to the road to go to Brushwood before it becomes snowy. I stopped along the way and bought a car, which was rather funny because my sweet VW was packed with camping gear that I had to transfer to the new car. I will miss the Jetta, but not paying to have it fixed.

There was NO ONE at Brushwood, the bored girl at the registration desk looked annoyed that she had to stop smoking and check us in. Jarrett had never been camping before so this was a beautiful place to start! We gathered together to say goodbye as it was the anniversary of Chopstix leaving and so Marc and Holly bought luminaries to set off to remember all of the lost people from this year. It was a lovely send-off, Chopstix' lantern didn't follow the same trajectory as the others and it also hung mysteriously in the air longer than the others without moving. so that was sweet.

Jarrett set off his lantern for his friend Derrick

Holly bought us all bracelets

The weather was beautiful and it was perfect for sunning and swimming and sunning and swimming, the eternal cycle that i love best. i also love not wearing clothing EVER. There were no children in the pool, no people except a few stragglers (i.e. the old people who pay to visit for the day and be nude)

Somehow, Jarrett got into the sugar patch and it really coursed through his veins like pure cocaine. He flipped out and was jumping up and down, dancing on a stump, breaking logs and accidentally smashing a clown.

That place is magical, I thank Casey for inviting me there for the first time. I love it so very much.


paul - 09/13/15 22:39
Looks like you had an awesome time. Omg, that clown is so creepy. I can't believe summer is over ;(

06/27/2015 20:51 #60085

Things That Happened A Long Time ago
Category: butts, fronts
So a few weeks ago was the Naked bike Ride in buffalo and i dragged my lumpy pale self out and onto the bike for the first time in a year. Thank you joe, for your comittment to human powered conveyance. It was the most refreshing bike ride i have ever been on and i only want to ride naked from now on. Vagina on bike seat be damned! It was glorious to see so many people out there and everyone watching seemed delighted and supportive. It made me love Buffalo and brought warmth to my cold cold heart. The after ride nude party was equally delightful and splendidly drunken, wherein i demanded that all balls be placed on my face and i attempted (ineffectively) to snatch gold stars from some of these handsome young men. Girl can't help herself.






uchina - 07/01/15 23:18
I mean, i can make you a cocksling too, casey. Great for LinkdIn, weddings, bar mitzvahs, election campaigns, etc.
YesThatCasey - 06/30/15 18:45
It's not easy taking appropriate pictures during a naked bike ride and party

05/20/2015 19:15 #60007

Guns of Navarrone
Category: surprises, red things, presents
Sunday i returned home from a party a bit drinky and i plunked onto the futon on my porch for a cooling night breeze. It was then that i felt a lumpy cold item on my leg and flipped the blanket to reveal.... A lovely red plastic toy gun!! What a pleasure! Where did it come from? I had not laid a gun, i asked my neighbors and they had not. My friend chris had laid on the porch the night before, but it had not slipped from his pockets. WHERE DID IT COME FROM?
I fell asleep that night, clicking the little trigger jn my hands happily. ...
The next day i was on the futon again, this time in daylight when i folded back the porch blanket to reveal TWO MORE IDENTICAL RED GUNS. i was in sheer delight!!! The mystery continued until my friend Arden asked me if i got my prize. He had found them at a yard sale and thrown them up two floors to perfectly land on the futon. Thanks arden!!


YesThatCasey - 06/30/15 18:44
Arden is seriously one of my favorite people in this world

05/07/2015 23:16 #59982

For some readon when i post one photo it comes up three times and takes forever!!

Anyway, last weekend i went to Allen St Consulting's party because i am a very wealthy client and they handle all of my most delicate taxation affairs with discretion and ingenuity. Or, i like parties. I can't remember. It was fun though. I always enjoy making everyone motorboat my boobs and laying around on the floor playing with Paul's stomach. on the way there, i ran into a flower selling guy on the road and i said hello and he said i was lookin fine, "wish someone would buy me flowers, baby!" I exclaimed. He then walked over and gave me a rose for free. So if you're on Best Ave. buy roses from that guy.






libertad - 05/11/15 10:29
OMG that's a whole lot of me in this post!
YesThatCasey - 05/10/15 04:13
A picture so nice you needed it thrice
uchina - 05/07/15 23:19
Flowers and Dave! It's all i think about!! For some reason, only a few photos upload and they are uploaded three times each.

05/07/2015 23:03 #59981

Cherry showdown
I know you buffalo bitches don't want to ever visit rochester, but i'm telling you, SPRINGTIME IS MAGIC TIME. the whole world turns pink and dreamy, like a fluffy, fragrant vagina. Highland Park is a wonderland of petals and grinning people and me. It is impossible to capture in photo the sensation of walking on flowers and smelling flowers and being under flowers and eating flowers and talking about flowers and giving birth to flowers.









YesThatCasey - 05/10/15 04:14
Rochester did well with the parks. Love so many of them