Afterwards, (e:flacidness) and his cousin came over to hang out with Terry, while (e:paul) fell asleep in front of the fire. I headed out to Hardware for Catherine's birthday. It was some artvoice thing that night, and it was so packed with bros we didn't stay very long.

Carrie, Lindsay and I got some Lloyd's. My burrito was so hot it made me start crying. I had to stop at 7-11 for water. We were hung out at Lindsay's but we accidently woke up her mom.

Saturday night (e:xandra) came over to celebrate her birthday. (e:czarkasms) brothers even came over. It was a good time but I was so tired, I had to take a napchen pretty early.

Paul and I left for a bit to take (e:Mike) home after his daydrinking ended with a tireslashing.

Sameer seems to have lost a ton of weight. Is that right?