It made me think that as much as I love Buffalo, if you were someone from out of town and had to stay downtown, it's really freaking depressing, especially before the summer. It'd be just as easy to think that's all there is to Buffalo as if you stayed out on Transit Road.

Historic Tim Horton's cups in a building on Franklin

This, along with the 99 Bills tickets billboard makes Buffalo look like a ghost town. He played for us in the mid 90's. Does that make this sign historic now?
Afterwards we went to Kaydara for lunch. (e:paul) got the shrimp bowl, while (e:terry) and I split a bunch of veggie tofu options. They were really tasty, especially the creme brulee dessert. The waiter was actually a kid who grew up on my street. The manager was super nice but a bit crazy. She made Terry a really good coffee and even gave us extra to split.

Then we finished up dumpstering at home. We got the disgusting green room rug out the window and a bunch of rotten logs from the yard. Here's Paul with his conquest.
haha, I am so jealous (e:Mike) never took me on one of his patented walks! :)
I came to Buffalo to interview for the first time in the middle of the winter. It was raining and miserable. I looked at downtown and thought - wow this is so much prettier than Rochester's downtown. :P