Anyways Saturday I though I was hungover from Mickey's but I must have been sick because I slept and sweat nearly the whole day. The little I did do was watch TV and movies with Paul and (e:terry). It was kind of relaxing and I didn't want to move, but mentally I still had that itch. It helped a bit when I took a bath with Paul but somehow I murdered my back on the tub faucet.

Sunday I felt slightly better. I got us a Vicks humidifier from Walgreen's which despite the plastic construction didn't smell too cancery and not at all in the steam - BPA free hopefully? Paul has turned the dining room into a rainforest. Later I made him go on a death march with me to the coop since it was so nice and we were out of food. We kept time, contact, and exposure to the bare minimum so hopefully we didn't infect anyone. I got to practice programming the rest of the day and watch more dumb TV.

This house on our walk was still decked out for easter
Today I feel almost 100% but still a bit swollen with a sore throat. I think tomorrow I'll be done with it.
The worst part is that its been nice out, and we missed Matt and Kim, the Mile in Her Shoes run, the Jungle Gym and playing outside. Terry has been lucky and escaped with his superhuman immune system, so at least he has been able to do stuff. Ein bisschen jelly.
Its on Linwood, nortg from us, facing east.
OKay I think the windows face west then - if its on Franklin leading to Allen. :)
Maybe the windows do face south... I know this house!! Is it on the same block and side as (e:Terry) and (e:Heidi)'s office?
Imagine sitting in the window seat and coding.... :)
Only I think it faces east, right? I like south facing windows.
That is such a pretty house. :)