On Tuesday, I felt better, so I went with
(e:Terry) to the Allentown Association dinner at Hamiln House.
(e:paul) was still dying :( . I've never been in there before but I couldn't believe how huge and nice it was on the inside - you would never have guessed from the street.
I didn't take many pictures, but the food was really good. The best thing was probably the fried asparagus. There were a raffles, but we didn't win anything, even though Terry has two very long arms. They had a speech and an opening prayer which seemed out of place for a secular group like that.
Most of the people there were very old. If I didn't know what was going on I would have assume it was a dinner for someone who died. Our table had almost everyone that was under 45 there. 6 of us - Henry, Tori, Gaia and Seth sat with Terry and I.
(e:Paul) was probably right when he said it would be good for networking, but I didn't have it in me that night. I did get inspired though, it felt likke everyone I talked to had started their own buisness or group or had some other idea they were kicking around. It makes me think almost anyone can try it - I just need to find a good idea and run with it.
Henry also told us about a new bike ride in Buffalo starting this Friday at 10pm, near Cafe 59. It's supposed to be a rolling bike party like in other cities, where everyone rides together to someone's house or some bars or anything fun. Like Critical Mass but without the angst or message.
I'm a truffle pig for wood smells.
Interesting .... Never thought about wood having a smell but it does... I've had dresser I think that smelled pretty good that fresh wood smell, never thought that different ones would have a different smell with different paints or varnishes though.... hope they passed the test....
Who knows if (e:Paul)'s smell receptors are working well or not what with all the lingering illness and everything. Chances are the test is confounded.