Not only the roads are bad but you see all the what all the asshole plow drivers did to the sidewalks, like the one for 197 North. I'll try and be optimistic and hope they'll fix it before the sidewalk buckles.

When Paul and I got back from out Price Rite trip we fressed some leftover spaghetti with some wine, artichokes, parmesean and garlic. It smelled like puke but it actually tasted good.
Its so crazy how some food smells somewhat dodgy but tastes okay. You know I have this secret (well not so secret now) ritual of smelling all the food I cook and then tasting it. I am using the data for building a mental grand correlation summary. I think the figure stands at around 0.40 now. 40% of what I smelled and then tasted smelled not so great but tasted okay.
I don't get why people drive over the curbs and plow the aidewalks when plowing. It wrecks everything. I would sue my plower if he fucked my house up that much.