This weekend,
(e:keith) and I headed up to Toronto for Andy C and Wilkinson as part of Bass Week Toronto. We didn't end up leaving until about 3 on Saturday but that gave us more than enough time to walk around part of downtown.

The Westin hotel was super nice and only a mile away from Sound Academy. I don't understand why check in isn't an automated process by now though, it was so packed.

I hadn't been to Toronto since 2007, I think. It's crazy how many more towers and how much further and bigger their downtown has gone since then. They definitely don't think twice about knocking down the old for the new - how could you when you're that big?

Downtown Toronto is really overwhelming. There's so much going on at once trying to get your attention, like noise and advertising that it gives me the same feeling of walking around the crowded Galleria or Walmart.

Tallest penthouse in Canada - coming soon for only $18mil

It took us forever to decide where to eat but we ended up at this Thai/bar place on Yonge Street. I had the green curry which was okay. No idea what the restaraunt was actually called

A little Christmas tree with bedazzeled gifts
it is funny how you talk about the dancing with the shirt off, only because I didn't get into the details of it.... But there was a party we both went to years ago where these guys took off their shirts and where dancing so we thought they where gay and they where just French I think