Hopefully I'll never need to use this sentence.
Joe's Journal
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04/04/2014 16:48 #58859
Duolingo gets darkCategory: deutsch
04/02/2014 22:30 #58854
666 can go to hellCategory: buffalo
I'm sick of your tag. Seriously you have the worst tag ever. It's not clever, or creative or good looking in any way. You feel the need to ruin everything with it though. At least Hart Atak put his shitty tag in interesting places. I hope they catch you and you can use the few brain cells the spray paint hasn't killed to clean it all up.

04/02/2014 12:57 #58849
Woodcock in the windowCategory: animals
(e:paul), (e:terry) and I were in the backyard about to go on a bike ride yesterday when we heard a huge thud. It turned out that this big fat cute woodcock flew into one of the windows. He couldn't fly right away but maybe he had a bird concussion or something.
He let Terry pick him up so he could be moved to a better spot. When we came back, I felt guilty and wanted to bring him in so he didn't get gefressen by a cat. Maybe Basra could have had a new pet (jk Basra would have eaten him).
He was gone though, and there were no feathers on the ground. I hope he flew away.

He let Terry pick him up so he could be moved to a better spot. When we came back, I felt guilty and wanted to bring him in so he didn't get gefressen by a cat. Maybe Basra could have had a new pet (jk Basra would have eaten him).
He was gone though, and there were no feathers on the ground. I hope he flew away.

04/01/2014 09:38 #58848
Spring againCategory: biking
I got (e:terry) on the first spring bike ride. We rode around the park and parkways so he could take a break from tax time.
I can't wait for riding to be this good all the time this summer. On the way back we ran into Linsday for a few seconds.
At home, we walked with (e:paul) and went to Taza to be outcooled for some coffee.

I can't wait for riding to be this good all the time this summer. On the way back we ran into Linsday for a few seconds.
At home, we walked with (e:paul) and went to Taza to be outcooled for some coffee.

03/31/2014 23:33 #58847
Day 2 of TronnoCategory: toronto
The next day I don't think we got up until noon. We decided to walk over to the gayborhood for brunch at a place called Sambucas. I've never seen such a high concentration of gays in one spot before - Keith had to have been the only straight guy in the restaurant. (e:Paul) had a missed connection walking down the street. A man wore leggings unironically.

Next we walked down to the lake to hang out, stopping at the antique aka hoarder mart. It literally smelled like cat ladies and hoarders in this giant warehouse. The actual public market looked way more awesome but it was closed.

The galleria of hoarding and estate sales

Handy commemorative Afghanistan rug(Route of (?) with help of America and Britain?)

The actual market

(e:paul) and I climbed this - we almost didn't make it back down

Someone hit the car in the garage and ditched, but a lady saw and left a note. So lame but it was only a scratch so whatever
I drove back for part of the way and there was only one near casualty. Gonna be a pro at this rate.
I really liked going away for the weekend. Toronto is so close, and always has stuff going on so I don't know why we don't think of it more. Is it because there's no cell phone service for us?

Next we walked down to the lake to hang out, stopping at the antique aka hoarder mart. It literally smelled like cat ladies and hoarders in this giant warehouse. The actual public market looked way more awesome but it was closed.

The galleria of hoarding and estate sales

Handy commemorative Afghanistan rug(Route of (?) with help of America and Britain?)

The actual market

(e:paul) and I climbed this - we almost didn't make it back down

Someone hit the car in the garage and ditched, but a lady saw and left a note. So lame but it was only a scratch so whatever
I drove back for part of the way and there was only one near casualty. Gonna be a pro at this rate.
I really liked going away for the weekend. Toronto is so close, and always has stuff going on so I don't know why we don't think of it more. Is it because there's no cell phone service for us?
metalpeter - 04/03/14 11:25
I wouldn't trust that it would hold up.... The interesting or odd thing is don't know if that showed up pre or post olympic games but they had them or that symbol to promote the olympics before hand.... I saw one on something at a Blue Jays game (as picture not statue) ..... The odd part is the company I work at took that Eskimo I think symbol inukshuk don't remember what "It means" and put it on some stuff... If you go above what you are supposed to do you can be nominated and get a chip and those tied in some how...... I have never been to that part of Toronto or Molson Amphitheatre glad everyone had a great time .......
I wouldn't trust that it would hold up.... The interesting or odd thing is don't know if that showed up pre or post olympic games but they had them or that symbol to promote the olympics before hand.... I saw one on something at a Blue Jays game (as picture not statue) ..... The odd part is the company I work at took that Eskimo I think symbol inukshuk don't remember what "It means" and put it on some stuff... If you go above what you are supposed to do you can be nominated and get a chip and those tied in some how...... I have never been to that part of Toronto or Molson Amphitheatre glad everyone had a great time .......
vincent - 04/02/14 22:51
So you climbed the thing leftover from the Winter Olympics in Vancouver?
I love Toronto, you guys were right by the Molson Canadian Amphitheatre.
So you climbed the thing leftover from the Winter Olympics in Vancouver?
I love Toronto, you guys were right by the Molson Canadian Amphitheatre.
metalpeter - 04/02/14 19:56
I don't drive so I can't say.... But I would assume that the 2 hours there and back is a factor.... But also if you like to mobile post that could be... Or if text a lot that could be a factor.... Toronto is great but it doesn't seem like something you can just do spontaneously like things around here ?
I don't drive so I can't say.... But I would assume that the 2 hours there and back is a factor.... But also if you like to mobile post that could be... Or if text a lot that could be a factor.... Toronto is great but it doesn't seem like something you can just do spontaneously like things around here ?
Bcuz was very bad I think when I was younger there was Yute or something like that.... The Problem with the tagging is often they tag the wrong things .... LIke the cover of what looks like a grill .... I get that they like being an out law... and out law art must be a thrill ? and I've seen it on things like mail boxes.... But at the end of the day unless there is a picture or a mural it brings a feeling of gritty, maybe crime area, or some feeling like that... and when visiting some places it looks really cool I've seen a few pictures on line that I guess are legendary .... but when it is your building and you brick wall it doesn't look so great and it wouldn't be fun ......
True. Bcuz was awful.
I agree, I wouldn't have that much of a problem with it if it was talented or creative or just not terrible to look at. It's still on other people's stuff, but I think there's plenty of examples of graffiti in other cities that is cool and maybe even adds something to the environment. This just sucks.
That isn't the worst one ..... at least it is a face "Bcuse" is I think after he was caught he admitted he didn't even use any art at all... but maybe I'm biased cause I've seen it all over and on the way to work.... I've seen some ugly looking tags .... Some people who tag Train Cars are amazing with people, faces, skulls a picture worked in.... Most are hard to read with those fonts and shadows..... at least they try to be creative ....