Saturday night, (e:paul) and I pulled (e:terry) from taxes again to eat some Ethiopian.
Afterwards, we walked over to the foundry for some music event that (e:robert) and Mickey were at - but it was basically over. I don't think the music was our style anyway.
So we had a few beers outside before we met up on Allen with (e:mike), (e:libertad), Steve and (e:flacidness). Cathode was pretty fun, but dancing at Funky Monkey was better. The DJ even played Blümchen "Ich bin wieder hier". Who would have thought?
Robert - 04/08/14 00:06 I promise the music was not as bad as that last band! Too bad you guys missed it, it was fun, but i'm glad you had fun for the rest of the night anyways :)
tinypliny - 04/07/14 12:43 I <3 Ethiopian.. I think its more like I absolutely adore the texture and taste of injera! I remember when I first had Ethiopian, I thought the lentil stuff was pretty over-processed and the bread and tomato-onion-green-chilly-coriander salad were the only things that were tasty but then I got addicted to the taste of injera and the whole over-processing was forgiven.
04/07/2014 00:13 #58870
Christine F. Category: movies
After we got back from our walk, (e:paul) and I decided to watch a movie in German. I put on "Wir KInder vom Bahnoff Zoo" which had an English title of Christine F. . She was this (in)famous druggie from Berlin.
I only knew about it because of clips of it were in a music video for "Drugs in my Body" by theives like us. If you watch that, you'd think it's a movie about crazy kids in Berlin on drugs having fun.
No. Not at all.
It had to have been the most terrifying and depressing movie I've ever seen. I guess it's a good movie if you enjoy heroin addiction, neglected children living in train stations, David Bowie and prostitution. Spoiler alert, you get to watch a 14 year old girl with the shakes throw up over her prostitute boyfriend as he snorts heroin. All of the fun parts in the video take place in the first 5 minutes and it's all downhill from there. There wasn't even anyone cute in whole movie. I guess it makes a good dare PSA.
At least I got to practice Deutsch.
tinypliny - 04/07/14 03:09 I hate depressing movies with a passion. They are doses of extra stress I don't need.
04/06/2014 23:55 #58869
Spring trash Category: buffalo
The worst part about spring is how Buffalo turns into a brown muddy garbage pit, and you finally see all the damage done during the winter. Especially the cigarette butts and litter. Blech.
Not only the roads are bad but you see all the what all the asshole plow drivers did to the sidewalks, like the one for 197 North. I'll try and be optimistic and hope they'll fix it before the sidewalk buckles.
When Paul and I got back from out Price Rite trip we fressed some leftover spaghetti with some wine, artichokes, parmesean and garlic. It smelled like puke but it actually tasted good.
tinypliny - 04/07/14 12:36 Its so crazy how some food smells somewhat dodgy but tastes okay. You know I have this secret (well not so secret now) ritual of smelling all the food I cook and then tasting it. I am using the data for building a mental grand correlation summary. I think the figure stands at around 0.40 now. 40% of what I smelled and then tasted smelled not so great but tasted okay.
paul - 04/07/14 11:28 I don't get why people drive over the curbs and plow the aidewalks when plowing. It wrecks everything. I would sue my plower if he fucked my house up that much.
04/06/2014 23:53 #58868
La tee Da Category: food
Friday night (e:Paul) and I got (e:terry) to ditch taxes at night and meet us at La Tee Da for dinner and beer. It was really good but seemed kind of pricey. I wanted to use a gift certificate that was on the fridge apparently for years but Paul thought it was too old.
We split an amazing salad with goat cheese, and eggplant buffalo sticks. I had a vegetable creamy polenta entree that was humongous.
While we were there we ran into a girl, Emily, whose brother I used to row with. Apparently the Nugent family bought the restaurant.
ExBuffalonian - 04/09/14 11:05 Is this the space that used to be Cybele's back in the day? Oh man, I miss that place. Sunday Brunch there was a weekly ritual and a religious experience, kinda like gay chruch.
tinypliny - 04/07/14 12:44 I think I went to this restaurant with (e:Heidi) back in the day!
paul - 04/07/14 11:29 The egg plant wings are so good.
tinypliny - 04/07/14 03:07 Hang on. Where is the shot of the creamy polenta?
04/04/2014 16:48 #58859
Duolingo gets dark Category: deutsch
A little lebensmüde at the retirement home, I guess.
I promise the music was not as bad as that last band! Too bad you guys missed it, it was fun, but i'm glad you had fun for the rest of the night anyways :)
I <3 Ethiopian.. I think its more like I absolutely adore the texture and taste of injera! I remember when I first had Ethiopian, I thought the lentil stuff was pretty over-processed and the bread and tomato-onion-green-chilly-coriander salad were the only things that were tasty but then I got addicted to the taste of injera and the whole over-processing was forgiven.