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02/11/2014 12:20 #58669

Erica rocking it and 24 Hours of Happy
Category: music
(e:czarkasm) sang at Nietzsche's open mic night again. Even with the burps, definitely thought she was the best we heard there. Unfortunately we missed the throat singer but a guy did a poem that was pretty decent.

(e:paul) and I think (e:terry) should go up and sing sometime, he's so good at singing.

After we got back Terry and I danced in the living room to an hour of Pharrell's Happy. It has a 24 hour music video online here . Surprisingly it didn't get annoying to me but I'm pretty sure it was to Paul, lol.


lilho - 02/11/14 22:30
My new man kinda looks like Pharell. :)
joe - 02/11/14 19:46
Haha it's a terrible pic but feel free.
paul - 02/11/14 19:44
I'd be happy never hearing that song again.
czarkasm - 02/11/14 18:08
Awwwwww Thanks! Mind if I use your pic?

02/11/2014 11:53 #58668

Turkish Rice Pudding
Category: food
The Turkish girls (e:paul) and I talked to on omegle recommended we make Turkish rice pudding, which is rice pudding with a broiled egg on top. On Sunday I made it using this recipe . We asked them about making it with chocolate but the Turks thought this would be sick. I thought it sounded good.

It didn't taste very good at first, but it became much better eaten chilled yesterday. The broiled egg yolk was a weird touch that actually tasted pretty good with the creamy pudding. I used tapioca flour as a thickener so it tasted like tapioca pudding.


ExBuffalonian - 02/11/14 15:00
Looks interesting. Reminds me of a Moroccan Kefta I recently made in a tagine. It had whole eggs that cooked on the top of it, which seemed strange when I was cooking it but turned out to be fantstic.

02/11/2014 11:50 #58667

Shopping Sunday
Category: food
On Sunday (e:paul), (e:terry) and I went shoppinng pretty much everywhere. We went to Feel Rite, Pet Supplies Plus, my parents house, Trader Joe's, the Indian and Chinese groceries on Sheridan and then Anderson's with my family for 96 cent cones. I got the Greek yogurt custard. It reminded me of the sweet cream ice cream I got for Paul's cake last month.
I was also so suprised Terry didn't die because he hates grocery shopping and his knee still hurt.

When we got back home Paul made the giant artichokes, Terry made an amazing barley vegetable soup and I made Turkish Rice Pudding. I was food babying so hard.

Ferret Laxative. Good thing we were running short.
Horse or pig? Who knows.

Anderson's turtle cake



Artichoke fisting
Terry's Suppe


02/09/2014 14:20 #58658

Deutsch Omegle
Category: deutsch
In addition to the Flappy Birds fiasco, I've been stuck in 2009 and chatting on Omegle to practice German. (e:Paul) and I spent probably 7 hours this weekend looking for Deutschers to chat with. It's really good practice because Duolingo doesn't really have much of a verbal component.

We spent 3 hours talking to these drunk Turkish girls. Apparently I've aged poorly because they thought Paul was 25 and I was 30. We exchanged Whatsapp and snapchats and now we have to make a Turkish baked rice pudding called f?r?n sütlaç.


We also talked with a weird Russian boy who apparently was recording his sister having sex. He thought Paul was 24 and I was 26. Yeah I thought we were going to get arrested for that one.

Last person we talked to was to some Austrian kid. He was super impressed with Paul's German, especially when he pronounced these two redonk German words.



oder die "Danube Steamboat Shipping electricity main control office building related subordinated state employee- Company"



oder die "Firework rocket ignition cord safety lengther" or a fuse lengthenre for a firework

sina - 02/16/14 15:44
SehR gut ;-)
joe - 02/11/14 12:43
Ausgezeichnet! Ich lerne Deutsch jetzt, und liebe es. Paul und Terry sprechen perfekt Deutsch. Ich muss mehr üben!
sina - 02/10/14 04:58
are u know deutsch?
I study 1 semester and i like this lang.
ich liebe deutsch.

02/09/2014 13:53 #58657

Priest Fingers
Category: church
So yesterday (e:Paul) put a seaweed snack in my mouth and pretended it was a communion host.

Somehow we brought up priests placing communion in your mouth and I said I remember when I was little being grossed out when their fingers touched your mouth. Apparently this didn't happen to Paul or (e:mike) so either I had creepy priests or I was a creepy child who sucked on the priests fingers. I remember always preferring to take it my hands to avoid it. Did this just happen to me? Can I get a settlement out of this or something?

joe - 02/11/14 12:44
Maybe the priests should be suing me?
paul - 02/09/14 23:33
Ok sure, but the strange part is, over and over, across multiple priests?
mike - 02/09/14 22:39
I could see like a finger could accidentally be in your mouth for a second, adn then maybe your tongue just automatically grabbed it?
paul - 02/09/14 21:21
I'm betting you were the creepy child that sucked on his fingers seeing as no one else can confirm this happening to them.