(e:Robert) and Mickey came over for Robert's birthday, we ended up watching some movies and having amazing Wegmans brownies with ice cream and whipped cream, plus chocolate sauce. I didn't manage to get any pictures! HBD!
We also watched this movie called "The Ladies of Amsterdam". it was about these two old twin women in Amsterdam who were prostitutes in the red light district. It was crazy, they actually recently officially retired at 70 but one still had about 10 clients a day near the end. They were kind of pioneers in that they were some of the first to break away from pimps, and set up sex worker unions. Not sure if they were ever lookers but I have to give them props for sticking to it.
Can't say I ever want to be with a creampuffy grandma while she sings "Wheels on the bus" though.
Seksi bitch betta werk!