We spent 3 hours talking to these drunk Turkish girls. Apparently I've aged poorly because they thought Paul was 25 and I was 30. We exchanged Whatsapp and snapchats and now we have to make a Turkish baked rice pudding called f?r?n sütlaç.

We also talked with a weird Russian boy who apparently was recording his sister having sex. He thought Paul was 24 and I was 26. Yeah I thought we were going to get arrested for that one.
Last person we talked to was to some Austrian kid. He was super impressed with Paul's German, especially when he pronounced these two redonk German words.
oder die "Danube Steamboat Shipping electricity main control office building related subordinated state employee- Company"
oder die "Firework rocket ignition cord safety lengther" or a fuse lengthenre for a firework
SehR gut ;-)
Ausgezeichnet! Ich lerne Deutsch jetzt, und liebe es. Paul und Terry sprechen perfekt Deutsch. Ich muss mehr üben!
are u know deutsch?
I study 1 semester and i like this lang.
ich liebe deutsch.