So I have recently become a fanboy of a local band. I first saw the Albrights when they played at Nietzsche's during Pride. It was one of the best live performances I've ever seen. Since then, I have gone to a few of their other shows and I plan on going to see them at Canalside when they open for Fitz and the Tantrums. *gush*
The problem is that their EP doesn't capture the intensity their live performance, or have the production level this band deserves. So when I share their music with people they find it enjoyable, but are not able grasp how god damned good they are. You just need to see them live. You will be hooked.
They have a new CD coming out in a few week. I'm buying it. Here's the first released single available streaming on bandcamp. This so is crazy catchy and well done. Still see them live sometime. Trust me.
If I could equate this particular song obsession to any other song obsession, I would say I'm in the 23rd hour of Happy and still going strong.
I was in the woods taking promo pics for my website ( Kip was taking the whole "wolfling" thing a little too literally. He kept telling me to sniff the air and then pretend I was howling. Then the tree shadows decided it would be nice to give my armpit a vagina. 100% Natural occurrence.
Is this a natural occurance or something you photoshopped lol?