Sounds like a leather daddy S&M porno from the 70s but really it was just a pit stop on a long treacherous journey to see the Devil's Hole in icy winter morning with (e:robert), mickey, (e:joe,58570) and (e:terry).
I still don't understand where his mouth is located. Does anyone know?
Paul's Journal
My Podcast Link
01/12/2014 22:07 #58572
Pissing in the Devil's HoleCategory: hiking
01/12/2014 21:58 #58571
Supersizers Do... Dried FruitCategory: food
We have been watching this British show called The Supersizers... . on Hulu about this British duo that lives and eats like British from different eras. It seems like they were constantly eating dried fruit which made me want it. Then tonight at my cousins house they had a whole dried fruit tray. It was so yummy.
Robert - 01/13/14 09:22
Dried fruit is amazing. it's one of my favorite things, ever. I almost bought a dehydrator a few years ago just to make my own.
Dried fruit is amazing. it's one of my favorite things, ever. I almost bought a dehydrator a few years ago just to make my own.
01/11/2014 12:24 #58564
BowlingCategory: sports
01/11/2014 01:22 #58562
Lottery WinCategory: lottery
I got so excited when it was 2 sevens with a double $, but the double prize was on $1 for a grand total of $2 and I bought another $1 loser so I just broke even.
mike - 01/11/14 09:51
you didn't just break even. You also got the thrill of the scratch so that counts for something!
you didn't just break even. You also got the thrill of the scratch so that counts for something!
01/08/2014 18:46 #58556
The Should Have Been OfficeCategory: work
This sign is on that door. Really, they couldn't find a better place for a cart storage room?
joe - 01/11/14 13:28
You should just take over the office and move the stuff somewhere else.
You should just take over the office and move the stuff somewhere else.
paul - 01/11/14 12:35
No one it was just a miscommunication when my group switched departments but its really frustrating.
No one it was just a miscommunication when my group switched departments but its really frustrating.
ExBuffalonian - 01/11/14 09:51
Who did you piss off? :)
Who did you piss off? :)
tinypliny - 01/09/14 02:27
Hang on. They moved you out of your office and converted it into a space for storing carts?!
Did one of the admins have a frostbite or a concussion or something?
Hang on. They moved you out of your office and converted it into a space for storing carts?!
Did one of the admins have a frostbite or a concussion or something?
What the Icicles great!
I love that first picture. Sums it up.