Work is totally consuming, I haven't been doing anything other than work recently. I seriously work like 60 hours a week. At least it is extremely interesting and always changing. I always feel like we are trying to get to the end of another, OMG, we need to create this complex, highly integrated, inter-system solution that we were supposed to finish a month ago, and here are the few minor details we thought through - run with it. Honestly, it is a feeling and pace which I kind of enjoy and they really do give me a lot of free reign and control over the projects.
However, there is also all this other unimportant meta work and bureaucracy that creeps up 24 hours a day and needs to go away at some point in my career. Its that crap that kills me. I want some firewall between me and that work. Kind of like how the physicians have midlevels. If I don't handle all their smaller issues around the clock that build up. Most of the issues don't even have anything to do with me, people just come to me for my problem solving skills which seem to be more honed than most. A lot of them come from technology phobic end users. I am starting to think that my problem solving skills are not a blessing but rather a curse as I am literally inundated with what I consider simple issues that other people are freaking out about.
Well that is that. Tomorrow we are supposed to go dancing in Rochester. So I will get one evening to relax. Unfortunately, I was having some horrible Urinary Tract Issue that involved having to get a cystoscopy this morning at 7am. Lets hope tomorrow is less peeing blood from the cystoscope cutting my urethra and more fun dancing.
Paul's Journal
My Podcast Link
01/17/2014 23:17 #58582
Whats Going On With MeCategory: life
01/12/2014 22:07 #58572
Pissing in the Devil's HoleCategory: hiking
Sounds like a leather daddy S&M porno from the 70s but really it was just a pit stop on a long treacherous journey to see the Devil's Hole in icy winter morning with (e:robert), mickey, (e:joe,58570) and (e:terry).
I still don't understand where his mouth is located. Does anyone know?

I still don't understand where his mouth is located. Does anyone know?

01/12/2014 21:58 #58571
Supersizers Do... Dried FruitCategory: food
We have been watching this British show called The Supersizers...

Robert - 01/13/14 09:22
Dried fruit is amazing. it's one of my favorite things, ever. I almost bought a dehydrator a few years ago just to make my own.
Dried fruit is amazing. it's one of my favorite things, ever. I almost bought a dehydrator a few years ago just to make my own.
01/11/2014 12:24 #58564
BowlingCategory: sports
01/11/2014 01:22 #58562
Lottery WinCategory: lottery
I got so excited when it was 2 sevens with a double $, but the double prize was on $1 for a grand total of $2 and I bought another $1 loser so I just broke even.

mike - 01/11/14 09:51
you didn't just break even. You also got the thrill of the scratch so that counts for something!
you didn't just break even. You also got the thrill of the scratch so that counts for something!
What the Icicles great!
I love that first picture. Sums it up.