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12/26/2013 14:59 #58499

Christmas Eve
Category: holidays

All out of order but here are some pics from Christmas Eve at my aunt and uncles house. The food was amazing. Christmas Eve and New Years Eve are pretty much my favorite holidays foodwise. Our family celebrates it all seafood style. I barely got any pics of all the delicious food because I was so hungry I couldn't wait to eat. I ate so much fried shrimp I could barely move by the end.




12/26/2013 14:41 #58498

Golden King Crab For New Years
Category: food
Golden King Crab - Lithodes aequispinus

I would not wanted to have met this king crab when he was creeping across the bottom of the ocean.

Check out the size of these claws... and I don't have small hands.



I get them at Exclusively Alaskan Good in Eden like every year. The store seems to be less stocked than before and its cash only now but the crab still seems pretty amazing compared to anywhere else I have bought it.

joe - 12/27/13 12:55
Oops forgot the link :::link:::
joe - 12/27/13 12:55
That's a giant sea bug. I can't decide if it's cute or creepy when it crawls around.

12/25/2013 16:55 #58494

Christmas Morning
Category: holidays

Had a great Christmas morning, first at home with (e:joe) and (e:terry) and then afterwards at my mom's. I got some great kitchen stuff and serving wear including a whole leg of procuitto from (e:terry) which is like a dream come true. (e:mike) liked his unicorn. We even manages to turn the wrapping into a crown.












iriesara - 12/27/13 11:40
It totally might as well be! That's crazy! (I was thinking to myself, I don't remember that outfit, which, duh, now makes sense!)
paul - 12/27/13 00:25
Omg might as well be lol. But its (e:mike) and his friend Carly.
iriesara - 12/26/13 16:14
Great old pics!! I remember when you still looked like that! (Is that us dancing?!? 5th grade?)

12/22/2013 22:57 #58482

Wrapping Gifts
Category: holidays
I went all out with paper cutting and the glue gun this year. This is going to make (e:mike) crazy because:

A. my gifts are wrapped better unless he really steps it up.

B. He isn't going to want to open the gifts because it will destroy the wrapping.


tinypliny - 12/24/13 11:51
Wow :-)
mike - 12/23/13 23:02
I do hate you, probably more for B than A , I mean there is nothing wrong with keeping wrapped gifts on a shelf!

12/22/2013 15:34 #58479

Old Commodore
Category: computers

On the way to shopping at viddlers in East Aurora we past a business that had this computer displayed in the window. I had an original Vic 20 and was obsessed with commodore for a long time after but I don't remember ever seeing this machine. Maybe it was part of some business line.

ExBuffalonian - 12/23/13 14:28
Yeah, I was a proud owner of a Commodore 64 back in the '80s. I spent hours on it playing Frogger while listening to Rock Me Amadeus.