I guess I also did start using a water pic ever day to clean my gums thoroughly.
Do you still suffer from orange tongue? Did you ever find out what the issue was?!
I too have been suffering from the same problem. Been to the doctor dozens of times, only to be told my tongue looks "normal' and to use a tongue brush if I am concerned. ...There are some days I wake up with very little orange and some days I look like I sucked on orange popsicle.
This is driving me crazy - it was nice to see someone else with the same issue.

I never had an orange tongue, but I did once have a reaction to eating pine nuts. Everything I ate or drank, even water, tasted bitter for about two weeks. Then it just went away. I know it sounds weird, but it's a real thing. You can Google it.
I did use a tongue scraper, religiously for years. It did not help. Sometimes I thing maybe I scraped it too much as I dont use one now. I seriously went to so many doctors it was crazy. A research dentist at UB even had a bunch of his students look at it. The geographic tongue is a genetic thing. The combo or geographic tongue and orange tongue made it look really gross.
(E:TinyPliny) and I researched the crap out of it.
It started when a dentist gave me this stuff called called magic mouthwash that was a combo of antifungal, anti bacterial and anti inflammatory steroid after mistaking the geographic tongue for some sort of infection. This was before I knew what it was.
Two days later my tongue turned hot orange and kind of stayed that way for a long time. It did not hurt or itch or anything like you'd expect from an infection and my breath did not smell bad during it. It was not thrush or a fungal infection as antifungals did nothing. Every dentist/doctor would always say, doesn't look like any infection I've ever seen are you sure you aren't eating anything orange. At one point I even stopped eating anything orange color for weeks just to prove them wrong. The thing that made it most ornate was fresh greens like salad or spinich.
Chlorhexidine would work but it would come back as soon as I stopped and everything tasted terrible so I quit.
paul, you are so gross. I think there was some health reason that you may have had an orange tongue. I know you've historically been a hypochondriac, but this was probably serious, and I'm glad it's gone away now.
did your breath smell bad? i am very curious to find out about it. did you use a tongue scraper ever?
on a side note, I just posted a few responses to Joe's journal, thinking it was you! I hope to see you really really soon.