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12/16/2013 00:25 #58457

Squeaky Wheel - Dysfunction Holiday
Category: holidays

We had so much fun at the Hallwalls Dysfunctional Holiday party at the old Buffalo Reuse building on North Hampton. It was a blast. We won a whole bunch of raffle baskets. It started with (e:joe), Erica, and I run/trudging there and (e:Joe) and I ran back. (e:terry) had to go early because as a board member, he helped with setup.

I might have had one too many wines because at some point I was fine with having to switch to white wine and I hate white wine.

I also bought a really cool burdock leaf plate that I thought would be great for a dinner party.











12/16/2013 00:04 #58454

Its Real Snowy
Category: snow

Damn its so snowy out. I am ready for it to be over.


12/15/2013 14:45 #58450

I'm the Baby Jesus
Category: holidays

There really was a live goat.


12/13/2013 17:34 #58443

Piece of Shit Furnace
Category: furnace

Our York Gy9s is dead again. Not as bad a day as it was in 2011 when it broke and everything else was broken (e:paul,53450) but still sucks.

Apparently the motor blades just crack off over time. The HVAC guy at the store where we got the warranty part from the last time said its a known issue.

We got the furnace in 2006. I'm starting to think its time to just buy a whole new furnace and start out with a new warranty.




lilho - 12/13/13 18:26
Sorry boo that's super annoying and crappy

12/12/2013 18:44 #58440

Nice Work Moments
Category: work
I added a feature to the intranet where users could pick their shared files up externally to reduce the amount of wasted space in our limited email inboxes. It's so weird to have such extreme inbox limits in 2013 but we do. So when someone sends out a 10MB PDF it fills up everyone's inboxes pretty quick. A couple years ago I added a feature to the intranet to combat this issue by that allowing employees to share files through the intranet instead of attaching the files to email. Unfortunately, from off campus those links did not work.

Then yesterday, while taking a short break from patient portal development, I created an API for the external site to talk to the intranet and allow authenticated pickups from external and on mobile devices.

This morning someone from the helpdesk shared a file with me thanking me for the development. Although silly, it still made me feel like someone appreciates my work.




lilho - 12/13/13 18:32
Come work at PayPal so you can make the systems better there... I have suggestions lolz.
libertad - 12/12/13 20:34
That was a really nice gesture. It doesn't take much to make us feel good for work well done but it's rare to get positive feedback in a lot of work environments. I'll try and spread the word about getting files externally.