It literally matched every qualification for a dangerous mole on the poster on the back of his door that I read while waiting for him. Not only that but my brother has bunch of moles removed including some which turned out to be cancerous.
It took me six months to even get an appointment with him for something else in the first place. I was kind of looking forward to the appointment in February so that he could take another look as it's been growing 3 dimensionally recently with this weird red bubbly texture. Then today I get a letter in the mail saying they moved my February appointment to next April.
I had called another dermatologist. They wouldn't take me because he was her mentor and her office wouldn't take his patients. She also was not accepting new patients. I explained I had been to her in the 90s and that my brother goes there now but the nurse still refused.
Thats not the only medical issue I am having. In fact, its not even a super important one but it represents this problem that keeps happening to me. I have money, I have insurance and I can't seem to get any doctor.
As I see it there are two options:
A. leave buffalo for a city or country that has medical care available for purchase.
B. take it into my own hands and start practicing on myself.
It seems that with all the information available to me in 2013 and the ability to buy modern medical technology and medications on the internet that I could basically just give up on health insurance and invest the money in a home doctors office and training material. Except for an actual surgeon I haven't even experienced one doctor that gave me any advice, treatment or testing that was anything that a combo of pubmed, NIH, CDC and google couldn't given me.

There used to be just one in that area.

why are you stealing my thunder? I am the moley brother!
the first picture looks like a tiny nipple. perhaps you just have tiny nipples everywhere
Fuck the system, this calls for home surgery.
Ya like if you type skin cancer mole into google, half the stuff shows up looking just like it.
As a mole enthusiast that does look kinda like a poster of skin cancer! I can't believe you can't get in to see the doctor. Maybe you could sneak in at my next appointment and pretend you are me but I don't go agian until July!