We rode our bike 30 miles close to darien lake for the Tour De Farms. Its stops at a bunch of farms as you tour the inner city and country side. At the end their was delicous farm food and wine and beer. Its amazing how extensive the urban farms are. I want one but I think without slave labor it would go the same way as the pears that the torotise and the bees all ate. It did inspire me to replant swiss chard for the fall.

(e:Joe) and (e:terry) look adorable in that pic. He should get yellow or green helmet and the primaries would be covered!
WOW. I wish I could have ridden with you - not that I could keep up with 30 miles. :-) But the produce pics are SO amazing... maybe I could have made it if I dreamed about all the produce upfront.
That's not a bike ride, it's a journey. :)