Paul's Journal
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09/02/2013 13:55 #58041
Labor Day Midnight MassCategory: biking
Had a great time biking last night with (e:yesthatcasey), (e:libertad), (e:joe), (e:terry). At one point some guys stripped down and got in the Gates Circle fountain.
According to Joe the fountain just flows actual tap water and isn't circulated. That's seems like such an extreme waste of water.
09/01/2013 11:42 #58038
Haters Gonna Hate Unicorn BikeCategory: art
Inspired by the Haters Gonna Hate unicorn bike meme from a while back I decided to make (e:mike) a bike unicorn for his birthday. The materials I had where copper piping, a blow torch and some solder and flux from the hose repair project. This makes me think I could make those sprinklers. I kind of want one that looks like a unicorn throwing up.
lilho - 09/01/13 13:55
Literally just so amazing. Best brothers ever. :)
Literally just so amazing. Best brothers ever. :)
08/31/2013 21:40 #58036
Late Afternoon Trip to ZoarCategory: hiking
Had a great late afternoon trip to zoar with (e:joe) and (e:terry). The weather was amazingly warm for the post sun part of the day. Laying on a large warm rock with wet feet and no shirts on I thought, tomorrow is September and in less than a few months this will be replaced with the cold of fall and winter and having to snuggle under warm blankets by the fireplace. I am so happy right now.
08/31/2013 16:50 #58035
Vanilla Bacon Ice CapCategory: food
08/31/2013 11:50 #58033
Skybar for Mikes BirthdayCategory: birthdays
Happy Birthday (E:mike). I am so excited for the beginning of your 30 year adventure. I hope it filled with glitter and unicorns. More importantly I hope you survive thr mega party to celebrate it tonight.
Sorry the pics are blurry but we were sitting on a rocking swing bench.
Sorry the pics are blurry but we were sitting on a rocking swing bench.
Wow I can't believe how much of a waste that actually is! And it runs 24/7.