P.S. There should be a facility for people who use caplocks the way you do.
Sorry paul but anyone that lives in america and doesn't like it needs to cross the border. Go to Canada PAUL. yOU HAVE THE FREEDOM TO DO THAT YOU KNOW CAUSE OF THE THOUSANDS OF MEN THAT DIED TO KEEP US FREE. sTOP COMPLAINING OR MOVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Contact Addr Given: dawney7211@gmail.Cuom
We don't have the "freedom" to just up and move to Canada, they don't want us and make it extremely difficult to move to their country. I think people have very distorted views of freedom. What are we free from and what are we free to do? Funny my name is libertad and I don't believe we are free.
Anyone who uses ALL CAPS and then two lowercase typos followed by about 127 exclamation points is someone I can't take seriously. Sorry dawn7211@gmail.com you've been disqualified from grown-up conversation.
People post some weird crap online and feel like they can hide behind their anonymity, so they just say whatever. I agree war makes people and countries do things that aren't right. For instance, so man civilian women as children probably died in Iraq that we will never hear about. Hiroshima is the same thing on a much larger scale. Part of what makes us American is our freedom to speak out against these things we feel are wrong. :)
You tell her Paul! People shouldn't run their mouths when they don't know what or who they are talking about!
And who uses cap lock like that? What a dumb ass!
I love my American proud buddy!