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08/10/2013 01:39 #57981

The Metal Wooden Spoon
Category: spoons
At the Block Club party we found this metal spoon. (E:flacidness) asked where they got it. Turns out Pier 1. Mine comes in 5 days.


paul - 08/13/13 10:07
You could get me the fork ;) :::link:::
lilho - 08/13/13 09:17
Wow I failed at buying you that.... You need a wedding gift from me.
metalpeter - 08/11/13 10:33
looks fun .....

08/09/2013 21:15 #57980

Category: fuck you
Who said I don't like America? And who the fuck are you to tell me where I should live. I think you mistook me for someone that hates my country. You are very wrong. I can still be emabrassed about hiroshima. I think that is called compasion for civilians and humanity. Do you really think to love america you need to agree with everything it does? How did you even get here or have the time to care. Oh wati..., I don't actually care about your opinion.

P.S. There should be a facility for people who use caplocks the way you do.

Sorry paul but anyone that lives in america and doesn't like it needs to cross the border. Go to Canada PAUL. yOU HAVE THE FREEDOM TO DO THAT YOU KNOW CAUSE OF THE THOUSANDS OF MEN THAT DIED TO KEEP US FREE. sTOP COMPLAINING OR MOVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Contact Addr Given: dawney7211@gmail.Cuom

libertad - 08/14/13 20:53
We don't have the "freedom" to just up and move to Canada, they don't want us and make it extremely difficult to move to their country. I think people have very distorted views of freedom. What are we free from and what are we free to do? Funny my name is libertad and I don't believe we are free.
hodown - 08/13/13 09:42
Anyone who uses ALL CAPS and then two lowercase typos followed by about 127 exclamation points is someone I can't take seriously. Sorry you've been disqualified from grown-up conversation.
lilho - 08/13/13 09:22
People post some weird crap online and feel like they can hide behind their anonymity, so they just say whatever. I agree war makes people and countries do things that aren't right. For instance, so man civilian women as children probably died in Iraq that we will never hear about. Hiroshima is the same thing on a much larger scale. Part of what makes us American is our freedom to speak out against these things we feel are wrong. :)
Dianne - 08/09/13 21:38
You tell her Paul! People shouldn't run their mouths when they don't know what or who they are talking about!

And who uses cap lock like that? What a dumb ass!

I love my American proud buddy!

08/06/2013 10:42 #57974

America Sucks
Category: america
You know that I love you but every year on the anniversary of the bombing of Hiroshima, I feel embarrassed about that love. Frankly it makes me sick. I still cannot fully accept any excuse for the horrible atrocity that you committed on this day. I hope you at least have remorse. It sickens me more when I think how much whining you do about the minor terrorist attacks that happened on your soil when conpared to the magnitude of destruction this caused on a huge civilian population on a city much like my own. No wonder people hate us.
metalpeter - 08/06/13 23:43
I forget if it is that bombing or both but if you look it up you can find that some of the people who where part of that couldn't deal with it after the fact and at least one of the people killed them selves.....

At this point no time to follow links but the reason at the time we dropped the bomb is cause both sides where working to get it... we got it first so we vaporised people.....

HBO had a pretty interesting documentary that yes it was hard to watch about a Japanese guy who was at both bombings and lived through them both of course there is a distance to that ......
ExBuffalonian - 08/06/13 13:44
So you're not buying the 'Less Costly Struggle and Bloodshed' argument? Neither am I, though The Atlantic did a farily good job in 1946 defending what we did to Hiroshima:


On the other hand, this other piece by a Hiroshima survivor and published in the NYT concludes that "It's apparent that the U.S. had created the atomic bomb after a huge expense, and they wanted to test it."


So the debate goes on.

08/04/2013 22:50 #57972

Dionysis At Brushwood
Category: brushwood

Had an excellent night at Brushwood with the guys. We saw lots of people we know. I was the most carefree, relaxing 24 hours I have had in years.











08/02/2013 18:35 #57962

Great Thursday Blue Grass
Category: thursday
Had fun and the square and even more fun after when Kim and Dani and Joe came over. Whenever I wear a fun outfit the night is fun.





(e:Dianne) took the last pic of me. My zipper isn't down. The stupid shorts are made that way.


metalpeter - 08/03/13 10:13
If I would have known it was a blue grass group I would have went... Looks fun
mike - 08/02/13 22:21
that couple in the first pic were the cutest couple ever!