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06/15/2013 13:04 #57809

Donald Glaude at Skybar
Category: music

We started out our trying to go to Ohm but when we walked by it sounded like hiphop so we didn't go. I wanted to dance and not sit around of people posing and break dancing all over the dance floor. I hate the vibe that hiphop has. Its this weird competitive bullshit compared to other types of electronic dance music.

Then we tried Radiation gothic dance party but I just wasnt feeling it. (e:yesthatcasey) had his mind set on chippewa so we tried skybar. Not only was it an amazing time, Donald Glaude, one of my favorite DJs was spinning. It turns out Rendezvous is hosting EDM nights at skybar for a while.

We danced our asses off. At the end I chatted with (e:robert) from iceland and I actually felt jealous. I am almost never jealous. I hated that feeling.




Robert - 06/15/13 15:57
I'll be home and doing non-jealousy-inciting things in no time.

06/14/2013 22:30 #57806

I'm a firecracker
Category: firecracker
The fourth is getting closer everyday.


06/14/2013 18:18 #57805

My Dad, My Uncle and Libertads Birthday
Category: birthdays

I really did a bad job with pictures this year. The party was nice. We ate so many desserts.


06/14/2013 18:16 #57804

Libertads Birthday at Mulberry Italian Restaurant
Category: birthdays

I though I got a picture of (e:libertad) and his mom but I can't find it :( I did however get a pic of Steve with the massive lasagna portion. I got the chicken picata again. Their food is so good.



tinypliny - 06/15/13 15:45
Haha - I loved that expression. It is like.. whatever. :)
mike - 06/15/13 10:50
wow what a ridiculous face you caught on me in that pic

06/14/2013 18:00 #57803

Marriage License - Acquired
Category: wedding

I got so much wedding stuff done today. One part was to go down to city hall and get the marriage license. It seems so ridiculous that you need a license to get married but I guess it prevents people from getting married because they a drunk.

The office closes at 4:00 and we got there at 3:12 to find out that (e:terry) needs his out of state birth certificate which is somehwere at home. I also had to stop at the county clerks office to get a Doing Business As cert for Surbert so that I can sell things outside of work. We managed to get through the court office and home by 3:42. We rushed through the house looking for the birth cert and finally found it in some desk upstairs. At that point it was 3:48 ans we raced our bikes down newly paved Deleware to City Hall. By the time we got to the 13th floor it was 3:57 but they took us in and we filled out the paperwork.

Then the question came. Which name do you want to use? I really wanted the kids to be viscos because there are no no visco named kids of my dads side of the family. I was so sad that (e:terry) wouldnt change his name but his name is already recognized for his business etc.. I almost switched to Mickelson but we ended up just keeping our names. Somehow I feel like I will regret that in the long run. At least he promised the kids could be viscos someday.

When we got there someone had taken up all the bike spots. Its like the car equivalent of parking across 3 spots. Assholes.

tinypliny - 06/25/13 04:05
Your registry link is not working. Are you sure the day is July 6th?
mike - 06/16/13 14:10
don't worry lilho , I'm sure your babies will be hos even if they aren't Hos.
lilho - 06/16/13 10:55
I want my babies to be Hos... I doubt any man will agree to this so perhaps I should stay single forever and ever amen.
mike - 06/15/13 10:49
You have to keep Visco, you are the only hope for continuing the name!
tinypliny - 06/14/13 20:14
Love %0.2f time precision in your narrative
tinypliny - 06/14/13 20:12
Mad excitement == (e:Paul)'s daily life!

I am getting a massive chuckle out of your name drama. :)
Why not Mickelson-Visco (alphabetical order)

Other super attractive options.

or maybe