We started out our trying to go to Ohm but when we walked by it sounded like hiphop so we didn't go. I wanted to dance and not sit around of people posing and break dancing all over the dance floor. I hate the vibe that hiphop has. Its this weird competitive bullshit compared to other types of electronic dance music.
Then we tried Radiation gothic dance party but I just wasnt feeling it. (e:yesthatcasey) had his mind set on chippewa so we tried skybar. Not only was it an amazing time, Donald Glaude, one of my favorite DJs was spinning. It turns out Rendezvous is hosting EDM nights at skybar for a while.

We danced our asses off. At the end I chatted with (e:robert) from iceland and I actually felt jealous. I am almost never jealous. I hated that feeling.

I'll be home and doing non-jealousy-inciting things in no time.