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06/14/2013 17:46 #57802

Rocking Suspenders
Category: clothing

When I first met (e:terry) in 1998 I wore suspenders all the time. Express had a sale last week and they were on sale so I decided it was time to loop back. I wore them with all kinds of outfit combos from dressdown and formal and they just seem to work.





lilho - 06/16/13 10:53
I love the suspender look fo sho.
metalpeter - 06/15/13 17:19
some how you can or seem to pull off things fashion wise that others can't they look right on you with that striped shirt....
Robert - 06/15/13 15:51
i need suspenders! 4 mai lyf!!!!
tinypliny - 06/14/13 20:14
I miss you!!!! :)

06/09/2013 12:53 #57786

Bridal Shower
Category: parties

We hosted the bridal shower for a friend of a friend last night. It was a lovely event. The couple seemed so happy. We didn't have to plan anything, the food was brought to the house and their hired someone to clean it up. Perfect combo.

The food was so tasty. I especially loved these london broils stuffed with some sort of goat cheese and a pepper.












paul - 06/15/13 17:11
You had to dress up for me. Not the bridal shower. I just wanted to see you dressed up;)
Robert - 06/15/13 17:10
i was so mad that you didn't have to dress up, (e:mike)!
mike - 06/15/13 10:48
it was a nice classy shower...until I showed up haha
tinypliny - 06/14/13 20:15
You both == {"Smashingly Awesome"}
Robert - 06/09/13 23:49
wow, terry looked great in his jacket, too bad i missed that!

Glad I showed up, i honestly had a great time. Congratulations to the couple!
metalpeter - 06/09/13 14:04
Liking the Suit that reminds me one of these days soon I need a new one... Love the Idea of the Blue Jello Shots bet they where great...

06/08/2013 17:10 #57777

Beware of Cicadas?
Category: terror

I was at Home Depot getting a new chiminea when we saw this sign. It seems like fear mongering to me. I havent even seen one here and as the sign says they only come out ever 17 years anyways.

tinypliny - 06/14/13 20:16
Oh well.. I will miss them..

they are kind of neat!
iriesara - 06/11/13 17:47
Exactly, they haven't been around in 17 years because that's their incubation period, as I understand it. This year there are supposed to be a gazillion coming out at one, from NY to North Carolina. It's been all over the news.
uncutsaniflush - 06/08/13 23:48
What I remember is that Brood 2 follows the Hudson Valley up to around Albany. Here's a map of where Brood 2 is expected to emerge :::link::: I think Rochester gets a different brood. Since you grew up around here, if you tell me that you seen 'em, I believe you.
paul - 06/08/13 23:35
We have cicadas I have seen them but maybe not the 17 year ones.
uncutsaniflush - 06/08/13 23:31
If memory serves, I remember reading that Western New York doesn't have cicadas.

06/08/2013 15:58 #57776

Im going to find you
Category: robbery

I was quitely dusting blinds when I thought I saw someone move across the foyer. I knew (e:terry) was outside mowing the front lawn. The door was open, but he was right out there. I decided it was nothing and went back to dusting. Then I see someone pickup my laptop up off the the dining room table.

I confront the guy and he says his friend told him to pick it a laptop. He thought it was his friends house that looks just like this. Sure. there isn't even another house in buffalo that looks like this. So I tell him to get out and yell to (e:terry) who calls the police but the guy starts running. So I chase him to an abandoned lot between the "multicultural potential center" and a residential lot. He kept going into the field but I got weirded out being there by myself and called the police.

They arrived within two minutes but he had gotten away. I am so curious if he got anything else. Luckily, I had just cleaned out downstairs for a party a friend of ours is throwing here tonight, so I think there was nothing else to steal.

I wonder if he lives in the alley next to the dumpster. There were a lot of clothes and a shopping cart there.





tinypliny - 06/14/13 20:17
Atrocious!! Guess you need to lock your door always - even if you are in the yard. Who knows, one of these days you may not have been watching!
paul - 06/09/13 02:10
I got it back.
lilho - 06/09/13 01:10
This makes me so mad... So he got away with your laptop? Situations like this totally warrant having mace or a taser...
metalpeter - 06/08/13 19:54
It is still crazy... hoping nothing else...
paul - 06/08/13 16:58
I just wanted to know what else he might have taken from me.
metalpeter - 06/08/13 16:22
That is insane.... like what would you have done if you caught him ? and also how did he go right passed Terry who was mowing... Doesn't make it any less worse .....

06/06/2013 00:36 #57768

Side Garden
Category: garden
Just got done working at midnight. Wish I saw more daytime. There are already so many roses and flowers in the side garden. Wish it would just stay warmer for the tortoise.




tinypliny - 06/14/13 20:17
So pretty! ottawa is exactly like Buffalo. All these flowers at this time of the year!