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06/08/2013 17:10 #57777

Beware of Cicadas?
Category: terror

I was at Home Depot getting a new chiminea when we saw this sign. It seems like fear mongering to me. I havent even seen one here and as the sign says they only come out ever 17 years anyways.

tinypliny - 06/14/13 20:16
Oh well.. I will miss them..

they are kind of neat!
iriesara - 06/11/13 17:47
Exactly, they haven't been around in 17 years because that's their incubation period, as I understand it. This year there are supposed to be a gazillion coming out at one, from NY to North Carolina. It's been all over the news.
uncutsaniflush - 06/08/13 23:48
What I remember is that Brood 2 follows the Hudson Valley up to around Albany. Here's a map of where Brood 2 is expected to emerge :::link::: I think Rochester gets a different brood. Since you grew up around here, if you tell me that you seen 'em, I believe you.
paul - 06/08/13 23:35
We have cicadas I have seen them but maybe not the 17 year ones.
uncutsaniflush - 06/08/13 23:31
If memory serves, I remember reading that Western New York doesn't have cicadas.

06/08/2013 15:58 #57776

Im going to find you
Category: robbery

I was quitely dusting blinds when I thought I saw someone move across the foyer. I knew (e:terry) was outside mowing the front lawn. The door was open, but he was right out there. I decided it was nothing and went back to dusting. Then I see someone pickup my laptop up off the the dining room table.

I confront the guy and he says his friend told him to pick it a laptop. He thought it was his friends house that looks just like this. Sure. there isn't even another house in buffalo that looks like this. So I tell him to get out and yell to (e:terry) who calls the police but the guy starts running. So I chase him to an abandoned lot between the "multicultural potential center" and a residential lot. He kept going into the field but I got weirded out being there by myself and called the police.

They arrived within two minutes but he had gotten away. I am so curious if he got anything else. Luckily, I had just cleaned out downstairs for a party a friend of ours is throwing here tonight, so I think there was nothing else to steal.

I wonder if he lives in the alley next to the dumpster. There were a lot of clothes and a shopping cart there.





tinypliny - 06/14/13 20:17
Atrocious!! Guess you need to lock your door always - even if you are in the yard. Who knows, one of these days you may not have been watching!
paul - 06/09/13 02:10
I got it back.
lilho - 06/09/13 01:10
This makes me so mad... So he got away with your laptop? Situations like this totally warrant having mace or a taser...
metalpeter - 06/08/13 19:54
It is still crazy... hoping nothing else...
paul - 06/08/13 16:58
I just wanted to know what else he might have taken from me.
metalpeter - 06/08/13 16:22
That is insane.... like what would you have done if you caught him ? and also how did he go right passed Terry who was mowing... Doesn't make it any less worse .....

06/06/2013 00:36 #57768

Side Garden
Category: garden
Just got done working at midnight. Wish I saw more daytime. There are already so many roses and flowers in the side garden. Wish it would just stay warmer for the tortoise.




tinypliny - 06/14/13 20:17
So pretty! ottawa is exactly like Buffalo. All these flowers at this time of the year!

06/04/2013 09:12 #57761

Quick Work Trip to NYC
Category: work

My new boss and had to attend a two hour meeting in Manhattan on Monday. We flew out of Buffalo at 10am and were home by 10:45am. 95% of it was travel time.

The meeting went great and the people we met told us exactly what we had antcipated they were going to say, which was a good thing.

The only bad part was getting soaked in the downpour. Next time I am bringing an umbrella. I can't believe I didn't thibk to bring one or at least my waterprood backpack.



tinypliny - 06/14/13 20:18
Whoa - look at you. Jetsetting businessman! ;-)
metalpeter - 06/04/13 19:16
wow I've never even been to NYC.... New Rochelle I think is 20 minutes from Manhattan but not sure if that is the Burro or the School ... It was a swim trip many years ago so not like we got to escape and go there.... Love the horse great photos....
YesThatCasey - 06/04/13 15:11 first experience with rain in NYC was a mob of street vendors appearing out of nowhere offering people umbrellas for $2.

06/03/2013 23:46 #57757

My name is firecracker - I was born on the fourth of July
Category: firecracker

the scary thing is that this is not even my Fourth of July outfit.




tinypliny - 06/14/13 20:18
Okay last pic - totally creepy. LOL
metalpeter - 06/04/13 04:50
nice video...
Robert - 06/04/13 00:48
that was a pretty awesome outfit, i gotta say.