So this weekend I turned the big 29...that's right I am one year (now a few days short of one year) from being the big 3-0! So by this time next year I am going to be at my peak fitness in every way. Anyway this post is about this year.
So I took Friday off of work to go to Toronto with (e:libertand), (e:paul) and (e:terry). I slept in, woke up and read the paper and dawdled around the house. Then Dave got home from work and I opened my presents from him. My real present was the trip but I did get candies and a magazine and a great card and I loved it. Then we went to leave for Toronto suprisingly close to our 12:30 planned leaving time except then we decided we should eat first.
We went to Ashkar juice bar on elmwood and I had a tuna wrap which was pretty delicious and it came with a salad with beans it and that was pretty good too. Except theyput onion in it even though I said no onion but it was actually good but I just wasn't in an oniony mood. So after lunch we had to go back to my apartment because we forgot some things. And then we were finally off. Crossing the brdige on the way there was pretty easy breezy lemon squeezy. I get so nervous about bridge crossings and all the questions but it really wasn't bad. I always get nervous and have in the past said things like:
-I don't know if the other people in my car carry weapons
-yeah I have drugs..but they're just antibiotics, do those count and other ridiculous things
Anywho so then we were on our way to Toronto , traffic wasn't too bad, in the direction leaving Toronto it was super backed up I swear for like the whole ride traffic in the opposite direction was terrible. I was getting nervouse there was a zombie attack or something in Toronto and everyone was fleeing just as we were entering. Turns out that was not the case.
So we get to our hotel and check in and it was quite nice. We then left to go to a game store so Terry could get some games. There were about 100 cats in the tiny game store so me , paul and dave waited outside. Of course I got drawn into the souvenir shop next door but actuallyonly Paul ended up buying anything. He got a racoon tail which he proceded to wear for the rest of the trip.
We then did some shopping at the Eaton Cetner but I didn't buy anything so then we headed to dinner at the Asian Bowl. It was super delicioso. And i had some mai tais which I had never had and are really delicious and refreshing drinks. This was the first place I noticed the bahtrooms were down a flight of stairs in the basement. Pretty much everywhere we went the bathrooms were down a flight of stairs in the basement. Not sure why.
Our waitress was super nice and awesome and friendly but she did not want us to leave for some reason. Like seriously we could not get the bill. It took forever.
After dinner we decided to go to Remingtons which is a strip club. Um it was sad. I don't know if it was just this one because I have never been to one before but really it just seems sad. The customers seem sad , the dancers seem sad, it all seems sad. Maybe if it was more party atmosphere but it definitely wasn't while we were there and I could not wait to leave!
We went back to the hotel and freshened up and then we headed out for the night and that will be part 2 because I am tired of typing right now.
Mike's Journal
My Podcast Link
09/03/2012 23:29 #56731
My Birthday Recap08/25/2012 02:50 #56708
fianceethe happy couple

paul - 08/26/12 19:39
Ya sometime next spring/early summer.
Ya sometime next spring/early summer.
metalpeter - 08/26/12 11:12
Congrats to you both :)
Congrats to you both :)
leetee - 08/26/12 09:49
Uhm yeah... for really reals? An official estip wedding? Congrats. Terry will look so pretty in white!
Uhm yeah... for really reals? An official estip wedding? Congrats. Terry will look so pretty in white!
paul - 08/25/12 17:20
That should be "le tired"
That should be "le tired"
lilho - 08/25/12 13:34
This makes me happy and gives me hope for real love.
This makes me happy and gives me hope for real love.
paul - 08/25/12 13:14
Mike made us pose like that. We are supposed to be acting so old that we are "left tired" on the dance floor.
Mike made us pose like that. We are supposed to be acting so old that we are "left tired" on the dance floor.
flacidness - 08/25/12 11:19
this pic is SO cute!!!!
this pic is SO cute!!!!
08/15/2012 15:34 #56679
my ridemy dream carriage

mk - 08/17/12 09:20
Yay fair!!!!
Yay fair!!!!
paul - 08/15/12 21:55
Maybe for your birthday.
Maybe for your birthday.
metalpeter - 08/15/12 17:16
At The Erie County Fair :) Yeah that is pretty cool... I forgot about that side of it with the elephant heads :)
At The Erie County Fair :) Yeah that is pretty cool... I forgot about that side of it with the elephant heads :)
08/12/2012 00:11 #56669
Maureen's HouseAbout twice a year my friend Maureen comes home to visit and I usually go over at least one of those days to her mom's house. There is just something so comforting about going there. I really cherish those times. There is something about her house that just really feels so comforting. I love seeing her mom and talking to her mom and just I don't know everything about it. It just feels so nice and I love it.
maureen - 08/14/12 18:34
Awww. We love when you come over too! My mom and I were just talking about how much we miss when we used to have you, Teres, Jesse, and Mary over for dinner in the summer. It makes me so sad that we can't do that anymore so I know what you mean about it being comforting that you still come over. You know you're ALWAYS welcome at my house!
Awww. We love when you come over too! My mom and I were just talking about how much we miss when we used to have you, Teres, Jesse, and Mary over for dinner in the summer. It makes me so sad that we can't do that anymore so I know what you mean about it being comforting that you still come over. You know you're ALWAYS welcome at my house!
07/21/2012 23:40 #56632
party turnthe bartender just pioured like half a vordtle of captn in mine and rachelles drinks. let the party begin !
paul - 07/22/12 12:35
Bet you are having a fun morning. I don't know how you drink captain. I find it so gross.
Bet you are having a fun morning. I don't know how you drink captain. I find it so gross.
Did you know I am an avid reader of your
blog for probay almost a decade now? Well I am, and I am ready for part 2. A few things... The bathrooms are in the basement because nig cities have less space on each floor so they make the restaurant as big as they can and then use the basement space for restrooms and storage and such. Also, love the part about Paul and the rat tail... Seems true to form on his part. I also feel like most strip clubs are probably sad when I picture them beig fun like in rap videos... My dream is to show up and make it rain on them hoes... I need a bachelorette which would require dating a bf an then fiancé in that order... And then we can have fun not sad strip club times!