So I had a precancerous mole more deeply removed from my ear this morning. I was a little nervous that they were going to accidentally cut off my whole ear or there would be a big hole in it but it seems like that did not happen. THough I cannot know for sure because I am not allowed to take the bandaid off for 24 hours. Maybe there is really nothing under the bandaid and they were too afraid to tell me. THe whole procedure took not even 15 minutes though it sure did seem like a lot of cutting for a little ear. Hopefully it won't be too scarred or anything.
I went to Dr. Wirth for the surgery instead of my normal dermatologist Dr. COnroy because she said she doesn't do removals on faces because he does that more so there isn't as much scarring. Hopefully she is right. He was super nice. Like he talked over the whole thing with me and made me very calm about it (not that it was a big deal or the first mole I had removed but it still was really nice). He and his whole staff seemed really nice and if I didn't love Dr. COnroy so much and had been with her for so long I think I might have tried to switch offices but I love Dr. COnroy too and never want to leave her either.
I guess I won't really know if he did a good job of not butchering my ear until the stitches come out next week so we'll see, I'll post an update then but for now I feel pretty good aobut it. I am afraid it is going to hurt a lot after the local Anastasia wares off. When they just removed a not deep , little part it hurt a lot so hopefully it won't be too bad. I feel like there is just no wiggle room for ears so like the pain seems more or something, like the ones on my stomach and elbow had like no pain but we'll see.
That's all for now, here is a postop bandage pic...
Happy Birthday....
Happy Birthday!