If FRZ3968 is your license plate or you know whose car that is , it was a black crossover or maybe suvish type car let me know. I saw a truck hit it and then possible drive away on Elmwood near Lexington today. I didn't get the license plate from the truck but it was a business truck so I know where it was from. I had no paper to leave a note and when I came back your car was gone already.
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10/04/2012 21:34 #56809
FRZ3968 license plate10/02/2012 22:52 #56802
The New NormalI keep wanting to love the tv show The New Normal which I dno't know why i want to love , it just seems like it would be something I like. But i just like it , I definitely don't' love it. It has some funny moments and like Ellen Barkin's character says some really funny things but it is almost too much. Like just is too ridiculously offensive, I love offensive people as much as the next person but something about it seems like too much. I do love the little girl on it though. The episode where she was the lady from Grey Gardens for like the whole episode was hilarious! She is really good but the rest, I don't know, I can take it or leave it.
09/16/2012 18:54 #56768
TimeWarner CableSo we had a deal for a year on Timewarner cable and internet where it was $90 a month total for the cable and internet. That ran out this month and the bill went up to $144 a month. That is way too much in my opinion and I looked it up and directtv is like 39.99 for the same cable package per month but that doesn't include internet. Plus timewarner currently has deals for like $90 for it all for new customers. So I called hoping they would give me a deal.
Well the first guy was like oh yeah I think I can really help you out. And his first offer was $180 but included a home phone. So that would be $90 extra for a home phone I don't need but somehow he was trying to convnice me I was saving $36. Then I tried to see if there were no home phone packages and he said the best he could do was like $135. So then I said I wanted to know how much it would be for just my internet and he was like we have a great deal that is like $80 but you get double the internet speed you had before. And i was like ok well as I said I just want the internet I have now ( he has already asked and i had already told himI have no interest in faster internet) So he finally told me it would be just $55 for just internet but had to transfer me to someone else to downgrade my service and get rid of cable.
So I talk to the downgrading specialist who says he has a great deal that the other guy must have missed that keeps my rates the same as tehy are now. So I said the same like the will still be $90. And he said no they would be $117 but you get all the saem stuff. So that is not the same rate? It made me feel so crazy. How can you say I have a dealt hat is the same rate that just isn't the same rate but is instead like over $20 more. It is just ridiculous! So I was like that is the best youc an do and mentioned direct tv and stuff and he said that was the best so I said I just want to cancel my cable.....and they told me it will shut off 9/19.
Well I really don't know if I can live without cable and now I am starting to freak out but I really didn't want these jerks to have my business. they are so scammy with their like different plans that all are random and shady ways of explaining them. Ugh, and i really have few option because there is no fios in the city. And there is the possibiltiy of direct tv but that is a satellite I think so my landlords would probably have to agree to allow that. I don't know, I am just so aggravated with the scamines of the virtual monopoly that is Time Warner...
...but if you know me I lvoe my tv and can't imagine like without it. What will I talk aboutr?>
Well the first guy was like oh yeah I think I can really help you out. And his first offer was $180 but included a home phone. So that would be $90 extra for a home phone I don't need but somehow he was trying to convnice me I was saving $36. Then I tried to see if there were no home phone packages and he said the best he could do was like $135. So then I said I wanted to know how much it would be for just my internet and he was like we have a great deal that is like $80 but you get double the internet speed you had before. And i was like ok well as I said I just want the internet I have now ( he has already asked and i had already told himI have no interest in faster internet) So he finally told me it would be just $55 for just internet but had to transfer me to someone else to downgrade my service and get rid of cable.
So I talk to the downgrading specialist who says he has a great deal that the other guy must have missed that keeps my rates the same as tehy are now. So I said the same like the will still be $90. And he said no they would be $117 but you get all the saem stuff. So that is not the same rate? It made me feel so crazy. How can you say I have a dealt hat is the same rate that just isn't the same rate but is instead like over $20 more. It is just ridiculous! So I was like that is the best youc an do and mentioned direct tv and stuff and he said that was the best so I said I just want to cancel my cable.....and they told me it will shut off 9/19.
Well I really don't know if I can live without cable and now I am starting to freak out but I really didn't want these jerks to have my business. they are so scammy with their like different plans that all are random and shady ways of explaining them. Ugh, and i really have few option because there is no fios in the city. And there is the possibiltiy of direct tv but that is a satellite I think so my landlords would probably have to agree to allow that. I don't know, I am just so aggravated with the scamines of the virtual monopoly that is Time Warner...
...but if you know me I lvoe my tv and can't imagine like without it. What will I talk aboutr?>
09/08/2012 10:10 #56744
my bikeIf I had a bike that looked like this I would probably ride it all time.

mike - 09/21/13 10:27
I realize I know have a bike that looke ten million times cooler than this and I still do not ride it all the time so maybe I just will never ride all the time? But at least sometimes now , at least sometimes.
I realize I know have a bike that looke ten million times cooler than this and I still do not ride it all the time so maybe I just will never ride all the time? But at least sometimes now , at least sometimes.
lilho - 09/10/12 02:46
me too except it's so hilly where i live i would run off the road and fall in a cactus covered wash... at least they might spot the sparkle in order to rescue me...
me too except it's so hilly where i live i would run off the road and fall in a cactus covered wash... at least they might spot the sparkle in order to rescue me...
i think you need to ask for the satellite... i can't stand people like this either or companies rather. and i agree, you will be an empty soul without tv.
Just to let you know here is what will Happen. But just my opinion you will get some deal from Direct TV... Or Maybe even Dish (no AMC so argh) and I think currently people who switch from cable when you give them you cancel notice you get the NFL Package for free... But industry wide all the deals are for new customers only... So Yes If one wants every year or what ever you can change companies... Here is the thing about bundling yes you can save some money by changing your carrier however.. That is what Ever cable/Dish company wants you to do (Direct TV i think has a deal with Verizon where there is no Viso or what ever)... This gives them more power to not give into what stations want. Granted things have been worked out but when we almost lost fox around here.. It is one thing to change to a new provider but when phone and internet are tied in you really can't... Also just to let you know I don't have direct TV (love their ads though) but they all kinds of different packages and some are even sold through different places...
On a Personal Note ... I think all this favoritism over new customers vs. keeping the ones they have sucks.. But I like my indemand stuff.. That being said Based on the ads my DVR isn't as good as theirs so... I also don't have to worry about green leafs on tall trees messing up the signal so.....
Ya they are so scammy. You definitely don't want any other brand of internet in the city like DSL or anything. Its terrible. They know they so they have us stuck. I can't figure out why verizon can't do fios in the city. It would allow for some competition that might reduce the price for consumers. I heard one story that its because they can't move into a city without covering the whole thing as some sort of fair internet law and their wouldn't be enough customer throughout the city. On the other hand I heard Time warner threated to move out of buffalo if the city let Verizon in. Who knows what the true story is but either way it sucks to have a total monopoly. I wish we had won the google fiber thing :::link:::
Keep em for internet, and get direct for tv, you can do both