Today is the second of my two days off this week, but i don't think i did anything yesterday but chase a work issue around all day.
Tuesday, i assisted in helping a staff member with an individual at work who was threatening to assault a couple of peers -- one with a belt and another by pulling a tv on its stand away from the wall and trying to kick it onto someone laying on the sofa watching it.
The individual who was being violent turned on me. Since he had been threatening to stab and kill me for the past few months, it wasn't a surprise when i had to step in to assist the other staff that his wrath was turned towards me.
We eventually managed to subdue him, but i came away from the ordeal bleeding from welts and scratches to my face and chest and a very swollen hand and wrist.
The police were called. He was taken away in handcuffs.
I drove myself to an Immediate Care (the new one on Delaware Ave. -- they were great) to be cleaned up and xrayed. Nothing broken.
Just my spirit.
District Attorney was an asshole, pressing me and making me feel as though i am some sort of monster for wanting to press charges against someone who has a developmental disability, condescending to me about how the judge will just throw it out of court anyway.
My bosses are bitches, blaming me for the whole thing. How about me blaming them for not helping us all do something to prevent this from happening?
In order to get a couple of very basic rx's filled (anti-biotic for welts and scratches, ibuprofen), i had to make no less than 10 phone calls and go to no less than 5 pharmacies, because i "went too soon" and my "ARS number" is not on file yet (uh, hello, how long am i supposed to wait?).
Now i have no idea what to do... i have more phone calls and questions to ask of the administration about what i am supposed to do next.
What i want to do is just crawl under a rock and make it all go away.
Leetee's Journal
My Podcast Link
04/19/2012 10:50 #56364
Left Hand Only Typing03/24/2012 12:35 #56279
Peep Sighting!Nice to run into you @ the Dick Road Weggies yesterday, (e:Vincent) :o)
03/20/2012 12:24 #56253
Thanks BroYesterday i got to use a comeback my brother suggested a while back. He may be an asshat, but he can think on his feet better than i can!
"Why did you do this? Are you stupid?"
"I must be if i am letting you speak to me like this. I am sure the union might agree."
"Why did you do this? Are you stupid?"
"I must be if i am letting you speak to me like this. I am sure the union might agree."
03/19/2012 11:22 #56244
Is It Quitting Time?I am wondering if there is actually a boss working for this organization who doesn't have their head up their ass.
I did not know that my first boss would be the best boss. People told me she rocked and i would be hard pressed to find one better, but i guess i needed to find out for myself?
Where i am now, i am being targeted by a resident of the house. Nearly every day, he threatens to "stab you bitch", tells me to fuck off, gives me the finger, refuses to listen to me, or is just generally disrespectful.
To put this into further focus, he has attacked a former staff member who now has a permanent injury.
Initially, when i arrived at the house, everything was going fairly well. Some staff were nicer and friendlier than others, but mostly, they seemed to have everyone's back.
The supervisor had been moved or was out for administrative reasons... which is union speak for she screwed up. Mostly, it was due to her being extremely disrespectful to a resident's parents, and insulting the resident immediately prior.
The residents seemed moderately stable, bad "behaviors" were there, but fairly well controlled.
I thought all was cool.
Then, the supervisor came back. One resident went from mildly defiant to violent on her first day back. Hitting her, screaming and cursing, refusing to complete a chore, and throwing items all over the kitchen.
I attempted to control his behavior by giving him near constant verbal prompts. I was told to leave him alone, it "wasn't so bad".
Then, he began to target me.
She suggested i may have "told him no once" and that is why he doesn't like me. She also criticized me in front of him for putting away his belongings in a closet when he refused to after he had gone to bed and left said items on the living room floor. Perhaps that was why he doesn't like me, she said.
She also suggested i take him out for a van ride to spend one on one time with him so he could get to know me and i him; i refused to do that, since he had already hit me and was threatening violence on a daily basis.
There is nothing in his charts or behavior plan that outlines this pattern, so of course there is no suggestions for staff or expected outcomes.
She attempted to reassure me by suggesting that it wouldn't last for long because he would move on to the new staff due to arrive on Thursday.
I actually don't have a problem with him targeting me. I expect it, since it is a pattern of behavior.
My issue is with my supervisor. Not discouraging the behavior with him, seeming to encourage it. Correcting me in front of him gives him more power to tag along as well.
I have gone to her boss. I have gone to her boss' boss. Nothing has changed. Maybe i even made things worse.
Last night, i put an addendum to one of her notes, because she whitewashed his behavior. I assume my ass will be handed to me within minutes of me walking through the door. But i just couldn't tolerate her excusing this behavior and seeming to encourage it any longer.
I did not know that my first boss would be the best boss. People told me she rocked and i would be hard pressed to find one better, but i guess i needed to find out for myself?
Where i am now, i am being targeted by a resident of the house. Nearly every day, he threatens to "stab you bitch", tells me to fuck off, gives me the finger, refuses to listen to me, or is just generally disrespectful.
To put this into further focus, he has attacked a former staff member who now has a permanent injury.
Initially, when i arrived at the house, everything was going fairly well. Some staff were nicer and friendlier than others, but mostly, they seemed to have everyone's back.
The supervisor had been moved or was out for administrative reasons... which is union speak for she screwed up. Mostly, it was due to her being extremely disrespectful to a resident's parents, and insulting the resident immediately prior.
The residents seemed moderately stable, bad "behaviors" were there, but fairly well controlled.
I thought all was cool.
Then, the supervisor came back. One resident went from mildly defiant to violent on her first day back. Hitting her, screaming and cursing, refusing to complete a chore, and throwing items all over the kitchen.
I attempted to control his behavior by giving him near constant verbal prompts. I was told to leave him alone, it "wasn't so bad".
Then, he began to target me.
She suggested i may have "told him no once" and that is why he doesn't like me. She also criticized me in front of him for putting away his belongings in a closet when he refused to after he had gone to bed and left said items on the living room floor. Perhaps that was why he doesn't like me, she said.
She also suggested i take him out for a van ride to spend one on one time with him so he could get to know me and i him; i refused to do that, since he had already hit me and was threatening violence on a daily basis.
There is nothing in his charts or behavior plan that outlines this pattern, so of course there is no suggestions for staff or expected outcomes.
She attempted to reassure me by suggesting that it wouldn't last for long because he would move on to the new staff due to arrive on Thursday.
I actually don't have a problem with him targeting me. I expect it, since it is a pattern of behavior.
My issue is with my supervisor. Not discouraging the behavior with him, seeming to encourage it. Correcting me in front of him gives him more power to tag along as well.
I have gone to her boss. I have gone to her boss' boss. Nothing has changed. Maybe i even made things worse.
Last night, i put an addendum to one of her notes, because she whitewashed his behavior. I assume my ass will be handed to me within minutes of me walking through the door. But i just couldn't tolerate her excusing this behavior and seeming to encourage it any longer.
metalpeter - 03/22/12 17:57
Hopefully nothing happens to you.... But if not you the boss will get someone else hurt maybe the bosses boss will figure it out after 2 people and the same pattern but doubt it....
Hopefully nothing happens to you.... But if not you the boss will get someone else hurt maybe the bosses boss will figure it out after 2 people and the same pattern but doubt it....
leetee - 03/22/12 01:35
(e:Metalpeter), your assessment of the situation is correct. It IS a dangerous environment to work in and the boss fuels that, rather than prevents that. It is the same boss who has been there for other staff to be targeted and injured. And yes, she does negate any authority i may have by correcting me in front of... well, anyone.
(e:Metalpeter), your assessment of the situation is correct. It IS a dangerous environment to work in and the boss fuels that, rather than prevents that. It is the same boss who has been there for other staff to be targeted and injured. And yes, she does negate any authority i may have by correcting me in front of... well, anyone.
leetee - 03/22/12 01:33
(e:Tinypliny) -- the process of bidding has nothing to do with salary. Every house has minimum staffing requirements and a list of houses and shifts are listed monthly through human resources for current employees to bid on.
For Example -- i was an 80% (100% is 40 hour full time, 80% is 32 hours) part time afternoon shift 3p-11pm, 4 afternoons a week at a house in Kenmore. I bid on another house 100% full time afternoons 3p-11p 5 afternoons a week. The person with the most seniority is awarded the bid if there is more than 1 person bidding on that bid number. So, either i was the only person who bid on that position (this house has a bad rep., so i would not be surprised), or i had the highest seniority of the people that bid.
(e:Tinypliny) -- the process of bidding has nothing to do with salary. Every house has minimum staffing requirements and a list of houses and shifts are listed monthly through human resources for current employees to bid on.
For Example -- i was an 80% (100% is 40 hour full time, 80% is 32 hours) part time afternoon shift 3p-11pm, 4 afternoons a week at a house in Kenmore. I bid on another house 100% full time afternoons 3p-11p 5 afternoons a week. The person with the most seniority is awarded the bid if there is more than 1 person bidding on that bid number. So, either i was the only person who bid on that position (this house has a bad rep., so i would not be surprised), or i had the highest seniority of the people that bid.
metalpeter - 03/20/12 17:18
Ok sorry lee had to to read that twice I get what is going on now I think.....
The Supervisor some where along decided that to just let that person do what they want and they will be peaceful ..... Hence why she got made when you put stuff away and told that person no.... Now saying that stuff in front of the client is wrong.... Even someone with no background in that like me would know that... Sorry to bring Wilson Farms into this... But I saw this happen all the time... There is a policy a customer complains then customer gets a manager and the manager doesn't follow what they tell the Cashier to do and then tells them to do so and so right with the costumer there.... It takes away all of your authority and gives all the power to the client.....
Now you know where you work better then I..... But is this the same boss who got the other person attacked by messing up? It sounds like it is the way you wrote it? I'm not saying to sue and hoping you don't get hurt... But it seems to me like your boss is a danger to you... And by not telling you the stuff they told you in private and not addressing the client in private has made the place an unsafe work environment..
Ok sorry lee had to to read that twice I get what is going on now I think.....
The Supervisor some where along decided that to just let that person do what they want and they will be peaceful ..... Hence why she got made when you put stuff away and told that person no.... Now saying that stuff in front of the client is wrong.... Even someone with no background in that like me would know that... Sorry to bring Wilson Farms into this... But I saw this happen all the time... There is a policy a customer complains then customer gets a manager and the manager doesn't follow what they tell the Cashier to do and then tells them to do so and so right with the costumer there.... It takes away all of your authority and gives all the power to the client.....
Now you know where you work better then I..... But is this the same boss who got the other person attacked by messing up? It sounds like it is the way you wrote it? I'm not saying to sue and hoping you don't get hurt... But it seems to me like your boss is a danger to you... And by not telling you the stuff they told you in private and not addressing the client in private has made the place an unsafe work environment..
tinypliny - 03/20/12 16:54
Ah - thanks for the clarification. {though, I have to admit, I am completely baffled by this idea of bidding on jobs. For example what is auction money? do you pay to actually do your jobs and in such a tough environment that depresses you constantly... If that is the case, then it sounds like some extreme philanthropy bordering on the edge of masochism!}
Ah - thanks for the clarification. {though, I have to admit, I am completely baffled by this idea of bidding on jobs. For example what is auction money? do you pay to actually do your jobs and in such a tough environment that depresses you constantly... If that is the case, then it sounds like some extreme philanthropy bordering on the edge of masochism!}
leetee - 03/20/12 12:21
(e:Jolene), I am sorry to hear you didn't get the DA1 spot you were hoping for. There are a bunch of DA1 bids out....
Sorry too, to let you know i know people that bid on the Transit Road have more time in than you... who knows, she could have messed it up; she hasn't bid on anything in almost 10 years (was a co-worker @26-2, then moved with everyone to a Leydecker house). Karen J was texting me last night asking me if i bid on it... she said they need to make sure someone "good" and "cool" wanted it... those compliments could not have come at a better time. Thanks cosmos... :o)
I will bid... in the meantime, i am working on my "i will not cry at work" muscles! lol
(e:Tinypliny), no they are not satellite psych units. This is a state run and funded organization for the Developmentally Disabled with group homes, day habs and integrated work programs.
Some of the individuals we serve have families, some do not. Some families are involved, some are not.
Some stays might be court ordered, some might be due to the inability of any private organization being ready willing or able to care for an individual, some might be due to lack of funds to care for the individual.
I work with individuals in "behaviour houses", so there tends to be a dual-diagnosis of developmental disability and mental illness.
(e:Jolene), I am sorry to hear you didn't get the DA1 spot you were hoping for. There are a bunch of DA1 bids out....
Sorry too, to let you know i know people that bid on the Transit Road have more time in than you... who knows, she could have messed it up; she hasn't bid on anything in almost 10 years (was a co-worker @26-2, then moved with everyone to a Leydecker house). Karen J was texting me last night asking me if i bid on it... she said they need to make sure someone "good" and "cool" wanted it... those compliments could not have come at a better time. Thanks cosmos... :o)
I will bid... in the meantime, i am working on my "i will not cry at work" muscles! lol
(e:Tinypliny), no they are not satellite psych units. This is a state run and funded organization for the Developmentally Disabled with group homes, day habs and integrated work programs.
Some of the individuals we serve have families, some do not. Some families are involved, some are not.
Some stays might be court ordered, some might be due to the inability of any private organization being ready willing or able to care for an individual, some might be due to lack of funds to care for the individual.
I work with individuals in "behaviour houses", so there tends to be a dual-diagnosis of developmental disability and mental illness.
jolene - 03/20/12 09:45
(e:leetee), I did NOT get the DA1 position, I was outbid:) Thanks for the heads up on Transit Rd., I bid on that too:) I'm feeling ready to move to day shift, but you know how that goes.
Well, at least you know you only have to put up with the way things are for a certain amount of time, and that it's not permanent. That's what I like about our job, you can always (eventually) bid out! Good luck, keep your eyes open and your back to the wall:)
(e:leetee), I did NOT get the DA1 position, I was outbid:) Thanks for the heads up on Transit Rd., I bid on that too:) I'm feeling ready to move to day shift, but you know how that goes.
Well, at least you know you only have to put up with the way things are for a certain amount of time, and that it's not permanent. That's what I like about our job, you can always (eventually) bid out! Good luck, keep your eyes open and your back to the wall:)
tinypliny - 03/20/12 02:05
Are your facilities satellite psych units? Do your charges have families? Are they voluntary inpatients? Or is this a state-mandated stay?
Are your facilities satellite psych units? Do your charges have families? Are they voluntary inpatients? Or is this a state-mandated stay?
leetee - 03/20/12 01:26
(e:Jolene), I can't bid... yet. I just went from pt to ft and i have to wait 3 cycles to bid. Shame too, because i really really wanted to bid on the DSA spot @ Transit Road Day Hab (not that i would get it, i know someone with 20+ years who is going for it too).
Speaking of bidding... did you get the DA1 bid you wanted?
(e:Jolene), I can't bid... yet. I just went from pt to ft and i have to wait 3 cycles to bid. Shame too, because i really really wanted to bid on the DSA spot @ Transit Road Day Hab (not that i would get it, i know someone with 20+ years who is going for it too).
Speaking of bidding... did you get the DA1 bid you wanted?
jolene - 03/19/12 22:41
Oh wow. This is why I stay away from "behavior houses". Your boss having your back is one of the best things to happen, and it sucks that you don't seem to have that. It might not be quitting time, but is it bidding time?
Oh wow. This is why I stay away from "behavior houses". Your boss having your back is one of the best things to happen, and it sucks that you don't seem to have that. It might not be quitting time, but is it bidding time?
02/23/2012 16:00 #56113
My Own Converse NailSince i stumbled upon the video of the Converse Nail (e:LeeTee,55989) i have wanted one of my own.
Well, today, i went to the nail salon (NO WAY i could do it myself!) and had a converse nail done on each hand -- ring finger for both as per the nail tech's whim :o)

Well, today, i went to the nail salon (NO WAY i could do it myself!) and had a converse nail done on each hand -- ring finger for both as per the nail tech's whim :o)
paul - 02/23/12 18:49
That is the cutest thing ever.
That is the cutest thing ever.
tinypliny - 02/23/12 18:10
Now that is YOURS!
Now that is YOURS!
tinypliny - 02/23/12 18:10
metalpeter - 02/23/12 16:55
I've been following your work story for a while even though I don't post on e strip these days. Whatever happened of pressing charges? I've worked here and there with criminal situations that involve people with DD and have a lot of thoughts on this issue.
My first thought is the district attorney doesn't want to spend resources on the case because the judge is going to put the responsibility back on the group home and require them provide additional or more adequate supervision. But the attorney could also be a jerk who thinks that getting hurt is just one of the job hazards.
Wow, I'm so sorry to hear this. It does seem like it could have been prevented had you gotten the proper support. Good luck dealing with comp, it's a pain, lots of paperwork. Hope you're feeling better.
Crazy .... I wish you luck..... Seems like this could have been prevented and they didn't do their jobs... Hey maybe the guy who got charged is smart enough to know this and he will sue your bosses ? Maybe you and the other person and the person who got hurt before will go after the person who under cut your authority and theirs in the past? I have no idea what you should do or what happens next...... At least maybe someone can get this guy the type of care he needs to not lose it......
Ugh. That's awful. So sorry.
Whoa that sucks. Hope you get well soon.
I'm so sorry to hear this. I hope everything works out for the better.