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09/14/2012 18:56 #56763

Human Nature
Recently I have been fighting for my rights to gain a permanent spot for myself at work. I was displaced because I was assaulted at my last site.

I found out that my persistence has paid off. I was awarded a placement at a house that's got a good reputation stable staffing and a reasonable director.

I was thrilled. I excitedly published on facebook and told my co-workers.

The backlash is awful. People have been downright nasty to me.

The vibe at this house has gone from pleasant and welcoming to cold and resentful.

I feel hurt. I don't understand why people are unable to be happy for me.

metalpeter - 09/21/12 17:19
I get that it wasn't you that had the bad behavior... That being said I don't think everyone there sees it that way.. I'm sure the boss who caused it blamed you.. And I'm sure if your place is like most stories travel.. I think they think that you being attacked was your fault hence why they don't want you there....
leetee - 09/19/12 21:04
Metalpeter it was not me who had "bad behavior" at another house. I was assault and stabbed. After that I was on light djuty and moved to another house.
metalpeter - 09/16/12 10:55
I'm not saying I agree but I'll try to give it from their view or Possible view.. They Have this good house and here comes someone from that bad house who now gets rewarded for bad Behavior (Yours) With Full time... Aka they might get less hours or less OT.. Now granted it isn't your fault you where attacked it was your bosses or what ever is = to that term.. But see news travels and it isn't from your perspective that it traveled... Also maybe the facebook post was frowned on..Maybe that stuff is supposed to stay at work ? Again it is to bad ... But if you where in a great house and you got someone who was thought of as a trouble maker you would ask and try to be their best friend HA, but most wouldn't.... I'm not saying I'm right but just kinda a guess....
janelle - 09/15/12 14:12
I don't know if it's something about the DD field, but co-workers can be the worst! I have found it easier to just not talk to much to co-workers at work.
paul - 09/15/12 09:03
Congrats on the permanent position sorry it turned out badly with the people.

08/30/2012 15:37 #56715

Time Flies
Wow. What happened to the summer?? I finally have decent days off (fri sat but I won't hold my breath to keep them) and I have been too damn tired to do anything.... I always want to but it never seems to happen.

We haven't even put the porch chairs out yet.... and the 'rents are making tjheir first appearance on Saturday.

They sold their print brokerage business.... officially retired.

Sounds good to me...

Happy Labour Day weekend ya'll!

metalpeter - 09/02/12 08:32
She makes a good point so I'll just say Ditto :) Yeah summer all ways seems to fly by and winter is so long..ARGH....
ladycroft - 08/31/12 04:22
i hope you find a spark of energy to go do something you enjoy!

04/19/2012 10:50 #56364

Left Hand Only Typing
Today is the second of my two days off this week, but i don't think i did anything yesterday but chase a work issue around all day.

Tuesday, i assisted in helping a staff member with an individual at work who was threatening to assault a couple of peers -- one with a belt and another by pulling a tv on its stand away from the wall and trying to kick it onto someone laying on the sofa watching it.

The individual who was being violent turned on me. Since he had been threatening to stab and kill me for the past few months, it wasn't a surprise when i had to step in to assist the other staff that his wrath was turned towards me.

We eventually managed to subdue him, but i came away from the ordeal bleeding from welts and scratches to my face and chest and a very swollen hand and wrist.

The police were called. He was taken away in handcuffs.

I drove myself to an Immediate Care (the new one on Delaware Ave. -- they were great) to be cleaned up and xrayed. Nothing broken.

Just my spirit.

District Attorney was an asshole, pressing me and making me feel as though i am some sort of monster for wanting to press charges against someone who has a developmental disability, condescending to me about how the judge will just throw it out of court anyway.

My bosses are bitches, blaming me for the whole thing. How about me blaming them for not helping us all do something to prevent this from happening?

In order to get a couple of very basic rx's filled (anti-biotic for welts and scratches, ibuprofen), i had to make no less than 10 phone calls and go to no less than 5 pharmacies, because i "went too soon" and my "ARS number" is not on file yet (uh, hello, how long am i supposed to wait?).

Now i have no idea what to do... i have more phone calls and questions to ask of the administration about what i am supposed to do next.

What i want to do is just crawl under a rock and make it all go away.
janelle - 09/15/12 14:11
I've been following your work story for a while even though I don't post on e strip these days. Whatever happened of pressing charges? I've worked here and there with criminal situations that involve people with DD and have a lot of thoughts on this issue.

My first thought is the district attorney doesn't want to spend resources on the case because the judge is going to put the responsibility back on the group home and require them provide additional or more adequate supervision. But the attorney could also be a jerk who thinks that getting hurt is just one of the job hazards.
jolene - 04/26/12 10:11
Wow, I'm so sorry to hear this. It does seem like it could have been prevented had you gotten the proper support. Good luck dealing with comp, it's a pain, lots of paperwork. Hope you're feeling better.

metalpeter - 04/20/12 16:27
Crazy .... I wish you luck..... Seems like this could have been prevented and they didn't do their jobs... Hey maybe the guy who got charged is smart enough to know this and he will sue your bosses ? Maybe you and the other person and the person who got hurt before will go after the person who under cut your authority and theirs in the past? I have no idea what you should do or what happens next...... At least maybe someone can get this guy the type of care he needs to not lose it......
heidi - 04/19/12 23:02
Ugh. That's awful. So sorry.
paul - 04/19/12 21:58
Whoa that sucks. Hope you get well soon.
matthew - 04/19/12 12:51
I'm so sorry to hear this. I hope everything works out for the better.

03/24/2012 12:35 #56279

Peep Sighting!
Nice to run into you @ the Dick Road Weggies yesterday, (e:Vincent) :o)

03/20/2012 12:24 #56253

Thanks Bro
Yesterday i got to use a comeback my brother suggested a while back. He may be an asshat, but he can think on his feet better than i can!

"Why did you do this? Are you stupid?"

"I must be if i am letting you speak to me like this. I am sure the union might agree."
jolene - 03/24/12 00:44
Wow. Just wow. I can't imagine working in such a toxic environment, and I'm so sorry you're being treated like that.
matthew - 03/23/12 11:31
leetee - 03/22/12 01:23
Stunned silence, Paul
paul - 03/20/12 20:11
Good comeback. What did they say?