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02/15/2012 10:19 #56063

What's a Girl to Do?
New Chucks from TJ Maxx.

Very crowded closet shelves with lots of beautiful chucks.

Lonely chucks among the very few Non-Chucks shoes.

Does this mean a reorganization project in the future?!?

02/13/2012 01:44 #56058

What Is it With Buffalonians and Driveways?!?!
uh, yeah, dude, it's our driveway. it's not a parking lot. and i don't care how long you will be there. our driveway equals our property and if you want to be on our property, you need to be invited to do so. next time, i won't be polite. i will just get you towed.
metalpeter - 02/13/12 16:57
Well to answer the question you kinda ask... Not all houses have them so.... Not saying this was the case here... but if you are new to someone's house you may not know what drive ways is who's? Now also some homes share a drive way and some homes have multiple cars... And some people do to snow don't use the Garage during the winter or vice versa? Not sure if that helped any.... But that being said so many people block them and don't even think about it....

01/27/2012 00:21 #55989

Converse Nails!

metalpeter - 01/29/12 09:51
What that is wild....... If I saw them I would assume they where fake Nails
tinypliny - 01/27/12 13:06
I think you just need someone with steady hands. :) psssst. (e:uncut).
leetee - 01/27/12 12:18
No, (e:Tinypliny), they are not mine. I found the video online. Although, i would LOVE LOVE LOVE to have that done to my nails. I have no talent for it myself. I wonder if my nail salon would do it without charging a fortune?
tinypliny - 01/27/12 11:46
Cute!! Are they your nails??!

01/22/2012 21:30 #55968

Happy Birtdhay, e:Paul!
Hope today has been wonderful. All the best for a fab year ahead!
paul - 01/23/12 22:02
It was. Thanks.

01/18/2012 16:18 #55935

Is There a 12 Step for This?
Hi, my name is Lee and i am addicted to Converse All-Stars.

The first time i tired a pair on, it was peer pressure.

I thought my big flat feet wouldn't fit into them, but with a little bit of encouragement, i was convinced the orange would look fabulous!

They fit!

Since then, i can't walk past a store if i know they have them...

I had to have a special shelf built in my home to house them.

Here are my latest pairs:

Black with an Anarchy A and a Peace Sign & Black and Green plaid.

lilho - 01/18/12 19:52
i love mine, but they really really hurt my feet. i am addicted to truffle oil... i think you are probably ok and don't an intervention.
paul - 01/18/12 16:40
Okay Imelda. LOL. I love shoes. :::link:::