uh, yeah, dude, it's our driveway. it's not a parking lot. and i don't care how long you will be there. our driveway equals our property and if you want to be on our property, you need to be invited to do so. next time, i won't be polite. i will just get you towed.
Leetee's Journal
My Podcast Link
02/13/2012 01:44 #56058
What Is it With Buffalonians and Driveways?!?!01/27/2012 00:21 #55989
Converse Nails!metalpeter - 01/29/12 09:51
What that is wild....... If I saw them I would assume they where fake Nails
What that is wild....... If I saw them I would assume they where fake Nails
leetee - 01/27/12 12:18
No, (e:Tinypliny), they are not mine. I found the video online. Although, i would LOVE LOVE LOVE to have that done to my nails. I have no talent for it myself. I wonder if my nail salon would do it without charging a fortune?
No, (e:Tinypliny), they are not mine. I found the video online. Although, i would LOVE LOVE LOVE to have that done to my nails. I have no talent for it myself. I wonder if my nail salon would do it without charging a fortune?
tinypliny - 01/27/12 11:46
Cute!! Are they your nails??!
Cute!! Are they your nails??!
01/22/2012 21:30 #55968
Happy Birtdhay, e:Paul!Hope today has been wonderful. All the best for a fab year ahead!
paul - 01/23/12 22:02
It was. Thanks.
It was. Thanks.
01/18/2012 16:18 #55935
Is There a 12 Step for This?Hi, my name is Lee and i am addicted to Converse All-Stars.
The first time i tired a pair on, it was peer pressure.
I thought my big flat feet wouldn't fit into them, but with a little bit of encouragement, i was convinced the orange would look fabulous!
They fit!
Since then, i can't walk past a store if i know they have them...
I had to have a special shelf built in my home to house them.
Here are my latest pairs:
Black with an Anarchy A and a Peace Sign & Black and Green plaid.

The first time i tired a pair on, it was peer pressure.
I thought my big flat feet wouldn't fit into them, but with a little bit of encouragement, i was convinced the orange would look fabulous!
They fit!
Since then, i can't walk past a store if i know they have them...
I had to have a special shelf built in my home to house them.
Here are my latest pairs:
Black with an Anarchy A and a Peace Sign & Black and Green plaid.
lilho - 01/18/12 19:52
i love mine, but they really really hurt my feet. i am addicted to truffle oil... i think you are probably ok and don't an intervention.
i love mine, but they really really hurt my feet. i am addicted to truffle oil... i think you are probably ok and don't an intervention.
01/04/2012 09:36 #55846
OvahLess than a half hour ago, i left my last shift (11p - 9a) at the hell hole i called my work. No longer will i have to endure the boss calling me stupid to my face and behind my back; laughing at my tears when she was speaking ill of me; or having her go stone quiet from full volume when i enter a room. Some day, not at my hand, but with someone who really won't take it anymore, her game is going to come crashing down. I just hope she doesn't drag down too many others with her.
paul - 01/06/12 12:32
That is truly the best feeling ever. Despite how much I have enjoyed some of my previous jobs, there is no feeling like when its the last day.
That is truly the best feeling ever. Despite how much I have enjoyed some of my previous jobs, there is no feeling like when its the last day.
leetee - 01/05/12 01:45
wow... ok, glad to have posted this. Most comments i've had in a while, thanks (e:Peeps).
(e:lilho), like you i think that negative energy given is what will come back. I, personally, am planning on working on that in 2012. I agree that eventually, what she is being given will be given back to her. I also know i am not the one who will do that... i am keeping my head held high -- other than bitching about how she treats me, i am doing what i can to not attack her the way she attacked me. Best i can do at this point....
(e:dragonlady) -- yes, indeed the woman we were speaking of at the NYE party. Her husband seems like a nice enough guy, always seems calm cool and collected.... according to the dirt at work, though, he cheated on her, so i guess she felt she needed to cheat too? Or attack any girl who she thought he was fucking? Not sure. However, i would love to know all the dirty little details! *gasp* Peerhaps she has "gotten it" in regards to derby, but not work, however, because she is in a position of power, and has distinct favorites. When it comes to the individuals in the house, she always said, in a rank of 8, that one of the girls there is her eighth favorite -- which is exactly the position i was in. Disliked.
In response to what Karma actually is.... my adorable husband, (e:Uncutsaniflush) said it best.
I am doing my best to not react, to let it all wash under the bridge and move on. Thank goodness for vacations!
wow... ok, glad to have posted this. Most comments i've had in a while, thanks (e:Peeps).
(e:lilho), like you i think that negative energy given is what will come back. I, personally, am planning on working on that in 2012. I agree that eventually, what she is being given will be given back to her. I also know i am not the one who will do that... i am keeping my head held high -- other than bitching about how she treats me, i am doing what i can to not attack her the way she attacked me. Best i can do at this point....
(e:dragonlady) -- yes, indeed the woman we were speaking of at the NYE party. Her husband seems like a nice enough guy, always seems calm cool and collected.... according to the dirt at work, though, he cheated on her, so i guess she felt she needed to cheat too? Or attack any girl who she thought he was fucking? Not sure. However, i would love to know all the dirty little details! *gasp* Peerhaps she has "gotten it" in regards to derby, but not work, however, because she is in a position of power, and has distinct favorites. When it comes to the individuals in the house, she always said, in a rank of 8, that one of the girls there is her eighth favorite -- which is exactly the position i was in. Disliked.
In response to what Karma actually is.... my adorable husband, (e:Uncutsaniflush) said it best.
I am doing my best to not react, to let it all wash under the bridge and move on. Thank goodness for vacations!
tinypliny - 01/04/12 23:04
LOL, I am using your journal to erase bitterness from my mind and I think I have reached the point where I can actually do what the Gita is talking about.. today. :)
LOL, I am using your journal to erase bitterness from my mind and I think I have reached the point where I can actually do what the Gita is talking about.. today. :)
tinypliny - 01/04/12 23:02
(e:leetee), I am super glad you are out of that horrible situation that instilled so much ill will. I really hope your new position is nothing like this! Floating several chants your way. :)
(e:leetee), I am super glad you are out of that horrible situation that instilled so much ill will. I really hope your new position is nothing like this! Floating several chants your way. :)
uncutsaniflush - 01/04/12 22:51
@ (e:tinypliny) - to me the idea of karma has 3 components:
1. If we meet bad acts with bad acts, we become linked to our oppressors by the commonality of our bad acts. And thus, we have bad karma.
2. It is not necessary for us to act in response to bad acts against us. Karmic forces will take care of it on a Cosmic level.
3. Indifference not hate, it is the opposite of love. When we hate we are just as linked to the hated, as we are to those whom we love.
@ (e:tinypliny) - to me the idea of karma has 3 components:
1. If we meet bad acts with bad acts, we become linked to our oppressors by the commonality of our bad acts. And thus, we have bad karma.
2. It is not necessary for us to act in response to bad acts against us. Karmic forces will take care of it on a Cosmic level.
3. Indifference not hate, it is the opposite of love. When we hate we are just as linked to the hated, as we are to those whom we love.
tinypliny - 01/04/12 22:27
I am kind of going against the general sentiment here, but in my (albeit limited experiences) it has always been better to forgive people who have been irritating, annoying or downright nasty to me. I have often exclaimed how much I HATE some person or other. But the futility of such hatred always brings me down. Somehow, the bitterness and resentment that makes people expect that retribution has to somehow exist in nature eat away at their own soul and body in the long run.
I don't think human behaviour that we perceive as obnoxious always gets punished in ways that are mortally visible. It is better to accept this truth and try the hardest to control what you really can - i.e. be a generously forgiving person than expect divine/natural/indirect intervention. That, in a nutshell, is the concept of karma as I see it.
I read this post in the morning and this verse from the Gita just popped into my mind:
"Karmanye vadhika raste, ma phaleshu kadachana
{You only have rights to your own good deeds in life
and never to the fruits of such work}
Ma Karmaphalahetur bhoor, ma te sangoastva karmani ||
{there is no point getting attached to the thoughts of reward (or even punishment) for what you are supposed to do, because that is almost the same as getting attached to inaction.}
I am sure that is not the exact translation, because Sanskrit has several abstract layers and concepts. And of course, it was supposedly chanted by Krishna to Arjuna to make him fight a war (because he suddenly decides to just sit there in the middle of the battlefield and not do anything). But yeah, to me, it always brings the much needed re-focus and encourages me to forgive people. The results are *always* way better than holding on to bitterness.
I am kind of going against the general sentiment here, but in my (albeit limited experiences) it has always been better to forgive people who have been irritating, annoying or downright nasty to me. I have often exclaimed how much I HATE some person or other. But the futility of such hatred always brings me down. Somehow, the bitterness and resentment that makes people expect that retribution has to somehow exist in nature eat away at their own soul and body in the long run.
I don't think human behaviour that we perceive as obnoxious always gets punished in ways that are mortally visible. It is better to accept this truth and try the hardest to control what you really can - i.e. be a generously forgiving person than expect divine/natural/indirect intervention. That, in a nutshell, is the concept of karma as I see it.
I read this post in the morning and this verse from the Gita just popped into my mind:
"Karmanye vadhika raste, ma phaleshu kadachana
{You only have rights to your own good deeds in life
and never to the fruits of such work}
Ma Karmaphalahetur bhoor, ma te sangoastva karmani ||
{there is no point getting attached to the thoughts of reward (or even punishment) for what you are supposed to do, because that is almost the same as getting attached to inaction.}
I am sure that is not the exact translation, because Sanskrit has several abstract layers and concepts. And of course, it was supposedly chanted by Krishna to Arjuna to make him fight a war (because he suddenly decides to just sit there in the middle of the battlefield and not do anything). But yeah, to me, it always brings the much needed re-focus and encourages me to forgive people. The results are *always* way better than holding on to bitterness.
metalpeter - 01/04/12 19:24
Now Karma even thought they don't call it that is a Part of Christianity... Remember I think it is Westboro Baptist Church.... They Protest Funerals well they believe or claim to that when Go along with sin bad things happen... It is the same idea... Yes they think that plane that crashed was because of homosexuality and the exceptance of it.... They don't think god took his hand and killed those people they think that it is Karma now they would never use that term.. That would be Blastphamous (sorry for the poor spelling) but it is the same idea.... If you look at the fast food kind...
Now Karma even thought they don't call it that is a Part of Christianity... Remember I think it is Westboro Baptist Church.... They Protest Funerals well they believe or claim to that when Go along with sin bad things happen... It is the same idea... Yes they think that plane that crashed was because of homosexuality and the exceptance of it.... They don't think god took his hand and killed those people they think that it is Karma now they would never use that term.. That would be Blastphamous (sorry for the poor spelling) but it is the same idea.... If you look at the fast food kind...
metalpeter - 01/04/12 19:20
Now depending on how one thinks of Karma maybe she is being punished for something from a past life of past event and that is the reason for how she is?
Now depending on how one thinks of Karma maybe she is being punished for something from a past life of past event and that is the reason for how she is?
lilho - 01/04/12 17:40
I was going to say I am authorized to start my own religion, other people do it all the time. Anyway, what comes around goes around... People should make an effort to not be jerks because eventually they will be on the receiving end.
I was going to say I am authorized to start my own religion, other people do it all the time. Anyway, what comes around goes around... People should make an effort to not be jerks because eventually they will be on the receiving end.
dragonlady7 - 01/04/12 17:33
The western fast-food adaptation of karma is real enough, though, in that people who live their lives mostly taking pleasure from the misery of others are crowding themselves out of any room to have genuine pleasure in their lives. So she'll get it, one way or another, or maybe she's already getting it. If she's the woman we were discussing at the NYE party, she's already gotten it as far as we're concerned, she's the only person ever to be outright banned from our events. Ever.
Her husband was such an angel, though. Poor man deserves better.
Anyway-- CONGRATULATIONS on getting out of there!!! And I'm just catching up now-- I'm so sorry to hear about your Nana. I lost my gram almost exactly a year ago-- the 27th of December-- so I know how that is, and I'm so sorry your work were jerks about it. Mine, I had to literally sneak out to get to see her that one last time, but I succeeded and that was what was important...
So, condolences too.
The western fast-food adaptation of karma is real enough, though, in that people who live their lives mostly taking pleasure from the misery of others are crowding themselves out of any room to have genuine pleasure in their lives. So she'll get it, one way or another, or maybe she's already getting it. If she's the woman we were discussing at the NYE party, she's already gotten it as far as we're concerned, she's the only person ever to be outright banned from our events. Ever.
Her husband was such an angel, though. Poor man deserves better.
Anyway-- CONGRATULATIONS on getting out of there!!! And I'm just catching up now-- I'm so sorry to hear about your Nana. I lost my gram almost exactly a year ago-- the 27th of December-- so I know how that is, and I'm so sorry your work were jerks about it. Mine, I had to literally sneak out to get to see her that one last time, but I succeeded and that was what was important...
So, condolences too.
tinypliny - 01/04/12 11:08
Hmm.. the hindu philosophy of karma does not come into action till the next lifetime. If you believe what our vedic lores have to say, you will have to forgive her from your heart and become neutral to your suffering for her to suffer some extra wretched lifetimes after this one is over.
The western fast-food/karma adaptation is kind of fun but is not hindu-approved. ;-)
Hmm.. the hindu philosophy of karma does not come into action till the next lifetime. If you believe what our vedic lores have to say, you will have to forgive her from your heart and become neutral to your suffering for her to suffer some extra wretched lifetimes after this one is over.
The western fast-food/karma adaptation is kind of fun but is not hindu-approved. ;-)
lilho - 01/04/12 10:58
good for you, no one deserves to be treated like that.... i fully believe in karma so i wouldn't worry about that miserable woman.
good for you, no one deserves to be treated like that.... i fully believe in karma so i wouldn't worry about that miserable woman.
Well to answer the question you kinda ask... Not all houses have them so.... Not saying this was the case here... but if you are new to someone's house you may not know what drive ways is who's? Now also some homes share a drive way and some homes have multiple cars... And some people do to snow don't use the Garage during the winter or vice versa? Not sure if that helped any.... But that being said so many people block them and don't even think about it....