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04/05/2012 09:06 #56321

New Leather Converse
Category: shoes
(e:hodown) sent me these awesome leather and suede converse. The ones with the zipper down the middle of the laces. I can't decide if I should put in the laces that came with them or not. If I use the laces it means I need to do the laces and the zipper to get than on and off.




mrmike - 04/06/12 22:01
Truthfully, I saw the leather converse headline and thought it was a LeeTee post, Props to hodown, these got style
lilho - 04/06/12 12:50
You're really starting to be kinda stylish and I like it....
leetee - 04/05/12 23:28
Nice. I am obligated as an addict to be jealous...
metalpeter - 04/05/12 16:40
Those do look cool..... Is it possible that they might be the right size so you can slide in zip them up but keep the laces in but not tied so that is the style thing?

Also what is up with the black converse in the 1st picture?

04/03/2012 22:04 #56319

The Techie Award
Category: work
As (e:terry,56315) mentioned, I won the infotech Niagara Beta awards for Techie - Large Company. I was genuinely surprised and excited about the award. I didn't know what to say when they called me up in front of like 500+ people so very spur of the moment I said something like,

I would like to thank Roswell Park Cancer Institute for presenting me with an endless series of interesting puzzles to solve, my coworkers for making it fun to solve those puzzles and my awesome boss Del Reid for allowing me the freedom to solve the puzzles as I see fit. Here is to a world without cancer.

Then I held up the award. It was cheesy but I think it worked. All in all it was a good day. Even more exciting was going to a morning meeting I was dreading and having someone there refer to me as a wizard and say that I was able to significantly up their productivity with one of my creations. Its nice to hear some positive feedback.
metalpeter - 04/05/12 16:29
Congrats again...... I know nothing about computers on the tech at all.... But I like what you said... I also from being someone who works like how it sounds like how your place is... To me it sounds like again could be wrong but just from what you said ... That people go can we do this or that and you figure it out...
lilho - 04/05/12 08:20
You deserve it!!!! I think your speech sounds great... Where will you display the award? Perhaps you need a showcase?
uncutsaniflush - 04/04/12 06:27
heidi - 04/04/12 00:29
Congrats, (e:Paul)!!!

For (e:strip), that wizard compliment would prolly sound more like: "I was able to significantly decrease their productivity with one of my creations."

tinypliny - 04/03/12 22:38
Woohoo - mr.deadlier in our neck of the woods?! Come baaaaaaacck and post some more!!!
mrdeadlier - 04/03/12 22:24
Congrats again. You deserved it!
tinypliny - 04/03/12 22:22
á¹¼ery cool. :) Love that you won the recognition for all your blood.. sweat hmm. come to think of it, only blood.

04/03/2012 00:06 #56312

Paper in the ipad vs Note app on galaxy note
Category: mobile
You can see the tool and color options on the note are so superior.


paul - 04/03/12 21:49
It came with the phone, I really wish you had this phone. I think you would love it.
tinypliny - 04/03/12 10:07
Is this note app available in the market - or is this specific to your device. I have a drawing app for the transformer that is fantastic - but is not available in the general market.

I have a stylus now for the tablet, but it is nowhere near as precise for drawing as my wacom. What I need is wacom level precision and control on the tablet screen.

04/03/2012 00:02 #56311

Robot Bird
Category: mobl
I bought the stupid tools for the paper app on the iPhone. I like the interface for switching between notes but I really enjoy the drawing app on the Galaxy Note so much better. One thing I really miss is the S stylus. I love how people pretend they don't want or need styli for the ipad but then there is this giant ipad stylus market.

The other things that are so much better on the Note are the much richer tool and color selection options. You know, the basics like being able to pick from more than 6 colors and having high tech fancies like variable pen size and transparency. I can't believe the paper ipad on the ipad suckered me into to purchasing the different pens for $1.99 each. I though I would use them to sketch stuff out for work but without a stylus, it's not so useful to sketch out idea.

lilho - 04/05/12 08:23
I still like my iPhone... It does what I need it to and its white.... I also dropped it in the bath and it still works.
tinypliny - 04/03/12 22:20
Talk about über-creepy!
paul - 04/03/12 22:05
Its watching you...
tinypliny - 04/03/12 21:59
What's with the popping conjunctival vessels and why is the beak attached where the nasolacrimal duct should be,,, man and that thing has inflammation of the knee joints, possibly some kind of rheumatoid arthritis.
tinypliny - 04/03/12 21:56
LOL. that thing is a perfect definition of creepy-crawley-cutey!
tinypliny - 04/03/12 10:04
Heh, So Android is better in many many ways as we already know. ;-)

seriously, I wonder how Apple gets away with such atrocious hypocritical snobbery. There is something to be said about their "sheep manipulation" skills.

You know what we need. The power of Apple persuasion for prevention efforts in public health. If some organization like Apple could persuade a ton of people about the "sexiness" of eating plant based diets, cutting down portion sizes, moderate regular exercise, cooking at home vs. eating out, consistent small balanced meals, we would all be so much ahead in terms of health just because the persuading message is so slick.

04/01/2012 20:02 #56308

Thoughts about Electricity
Category: energy
I wanted to buy a tiny, energy efficient server, but I opted for a fast, powerful one. Next one will be energy efficient just like my next car. The combination of fast and powerful but energy efficient always comes at a premium. Its why celebrities drive electric cars.

I ordered this interesting device that allows you to measure the amount of electricity in watts that a device is pulling at any particular point. The device itself is cheap and plugs in between the device and its power source. THis is not the exact device I own, but its the exact same thing

Here are some interesting facts:
  • The Samsung LNT4665F 46" 1080p LCD HDTValone 67w
  • TV with macbook pro 270 watt
  • TV with macbook pro but mac screen closed 250w
  • macbook pro 85w
  • mac book pro screen 20watt?
  • TV with wii 130w
  • TV with wii playing game 170w
  • tortoise lights 250w
  • tortoise heat pad 130w
  • tortoise heat low 600w, med 924w, high 1460w
  • living room heater same
  • Dell 1950 server with 2 dual core 5160 3.0Ghz 120w-700w depending on usage Usually it is on the really low side.
  • Dell 1950iii server with 2 quad core X5460 3.0Ghz 120w-700w depending on usage
  • mac mini server 85W with a single 2.0ghz quad core i7

We use so much electricity and our bill is around $180-200/month for 3 people. For example jan-feb of this year we used 1577 kWh and it cost us $188.36 with services and taxes, etc. Looking at the bill I think it is somewhere around $0.12 per kilowatt hour. Which is 1 hour worth of 1000 watts.

I think we could probably save so much money by unplugging things that are not being used. One way to save a lot of money is to plug everything into power strips and then just turn those off when you leave. This is especially useful for devices that draw power when not in use, which is most of them.
metalpeter - 04/02/12 17:41
Well you could save energy but do you really want to? What I mean is when you want to watch something do you want to have to turn on the power strip? Of course anything with a clock it will mess up maybe not a computer clock but you get what I mean... I could be wrong about this but I think the biggest part of people's bills is cause they leave lights on...... Then the big ticket things like washers, dryers, freezers and that kind of thing.......
tinypliny - 04/01/12 21:29
this is the exact device you own :::link:::