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04/07/2012 18:14 #56331

Forever isn't always forever
Category: love
Well after 10 years (e:pmt) is officially just pt. (e:matthew) moved in a few days after I met him at Mid K in 2002 and we were pretty inseparable for many years to come. Many of the best moments of my life were spent by his side. I truly thought it would go on forever.

Sadly, the last couple years didn't go so smooth and (e:matthew) made the decision to move out this weekend, although it had been discussed for a while.

It really hit me when I was moving his bed out of the bedroom. Everything in the house is so him that I am going to have to change it all or be sad all the time.

I wish him the best and I hope someday we can be as close as (e:hodown) and I are now.Its so weird because I am so used to talking with him about everything... I hope he finds someone that can make him happier than I did because I think the only thing that will make me not sad is knowing he is happy.





oda - 04/18/12 00:09
Oh, Paul, I'm so sorry. I hope that everyone can move on and know how awesome and inspiring you have been to so many of us. Lots of love to you.
metalpeter - 04/12/12 19:46
Just wanted to give my perspective again for anyone who might not get it... I'm 39 and my one cousin is a couple years older.... So I don't know how long my Aunt was married to my uncle but 30+ years and she left him not sure why... Maybe once one retires things change or what ever but if they can't last who can..... In any event I hope all 3 of you that this is what is best and that you all can be happy...
shawnr - 04/12/12 19:25
Hey Paul. So sorry to hear this. We love you all three and are wishing the best for you. Hang in there.
chico - 04/10/12 21:39
Hard to believe and tough to accept. Fundamentally changing the nature of such a long relationship is very difficult indeed. Hoping you're all okay and muddling through.

Wishing P&T, and M, all the very best going forward.
jason - 04/09/12 17:00
Sorry to hear about it, P&T.
jolene - 04/09/12 16:14
I'm so sorry to hear this...strength and good vibes to all.
uncutsaniflush - 04/08/12 20:15
Wow! Strength to all of you. Good luck.
tinypliny - 04/08/12 15:43
time heals all. And optimism on everyone's part.
mrmike - 04/08/12 15:14
To echo Lee's thoughts, so sorry to hear it all, but good vibes to you all.
leetee - 04/08/12 12:26
Wow. I don't know what to say... except i am so sorry to hear this. Good luck, love and strength to all 3 of you.
heidi - 04/08/12 11:27
Much love to you all as you go through this difficult transition.
metalpeter - 04/08/12 09:29
I hope that he is leaving to Be Happy with someone or some other couple ..... Well he must cause when you move out you need to move into some other place..... I'm sure you 3 will keep it drama free..... Seeing as there is a big group of people you all know.......
metalpeter - 04/08/12 09:27
In Terms of the house : Yeah that is so Matt I say leave it like it is and just add things you like to it........
metalpeter - 04/08/12 09:26
To Me It seems Weird .... Not shocking cause the ugly fact is that most relationships at least now a days when people live so much longer then when Marriage was started and 20 years later one of them was dead..... But that being said if any of that makes sense I think to many of us it seems odd cause we know you as (e:PMT) Kinda like how when I met Jim it was Jim & James so when that went down it was so odd cause I knew them as two.....

04/07/2012 11:28 #56330

The Neighbor's Funk
Category: cancer
I can't believe our neighbors are getting those chemicals sprayed on their lawn. If the turf is not dangerous then why do we get a letter saying, "You may wish to take precautions to minimize pesticide exposure to yourself, family members, pets or family possessions." And just how are we supposed to do that exactly? Get a giant plastic barriers for our property line.

Don't we have enough toxicity in our lives that we don't need to add more for lawn vanity?

I guess it beats the neighbors behind us that spray their parking lot to prevent weeds.


metalpeter - 04/08/12 09:15
What ever company does it , I official story is that it is both toxic and not toxic..... In other words once the stuff has settled into the grass and ground (now this assumes that there is no water source for it to get into) it is safe... That is why they have the pet and kids warning.... Now I don't know enough about the science but it is dangerous to small things and to humans when you breath it in but after a couple of days no more fumes so you are ok..... Here is the true test though when you see someone spraying print up and make an Ultimate (Can't call it Frisbee legally cause that is a brand name and the sued) invite with all the friends and the sprays have to come..... Granted they don't know you but toss that out and I doubt they would come...Or maybe it is really as safe and not as they say.....
tinypliny - 04/07/12 12:43
Look at the names of some of those pesticides. Local war and associated collaterals - you.

I say you write to the city and say just notification is not enough. Lawns are exposed to everyone and all these pesticides are aerosols. Short of moving away till the aerosols are scattered and diminished in concentration, you don't have a way of protecting yourself. It is cause for worry especially because you are prone to more allergies and reactions than most people.

From: :::link:::

Volume median diameter of the suspended aerosol decreased from 14
to 2.3 µm during 1.5 h after application. Concentration of airborne pesticide decreased by 60% in the first hour after application and by 95% during 12 h after application.


Practically, the potential hazard could be mitigated through establishment of appropriate re-entry intervals and use of respiratory protection with appropriate performance criteria for workers re-entering the structure.

And of course, what about soil pollution?? How on earth will you keep this from leeching into your lawns and your gardens and finding a way into your food? This is so disturbing. I would strongly recommend talking and reasoning with your neighbours about the possible consequences of spraying on the general health of your household and persuade them to adopt more natural measures to get rid of weeds.

04/06/2012 22:38 #56328

Hiking at zoar
Category: hiking
It was so beautiful out. (e:flacidness) and I sat in the sun and relaxed all day.




04/06/2012 22:36 #56327

Happy Easter
Category: food
love, wendys

metalpeter - 04/07/12 10:56
Strange and cool all at once....

04/05/2012 09:06 #56321

New Leather Converse
Category: shoes
(e:hodown) sent me these awesome leather and suede converse. The ones with the zipper down the middle of the laces. I can't decide if I should put in the laces that came with them or not. If I use the laces it means I need to do the laces and the zipper to get than on and off.




mrmike - 04/06/12 22:01
Truthfully, I saw the leather converse headline and thought it was a LeeTee post, Props to hodown, these got style
lilho - 04/06/12 12:50
You're really starting to be kinda stylish and I like it....
leetee - 04/05/12 23:28
Nice. I am obligated as an addict to be jealous...
metalpeter - 04/05/12 16:40
Those do look cool..... Is it possible that they might be the right size so you can slide in zip them up but keep the laces in but not tied so that is the style thing?

Also what is up with the black converse in the 1st picture?